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Connectivity in Control Systems Slide 21

One of the topics discussed earlier was power line communications. PLC is becoming more prevalent in open air architectures, the metering and solar application spaces. PLC is a form of narrow band communication using existing power lines. As previously mentioned TI has a Virturbi math unit which is used to filter out the noise from the power line. TI has embedded the Virturbi math unit second to the processor so it is not loading down the C2000 processor in the device to do the PLC filtering. In actual application, the device can do PLC, the Virturbi filtering on the PLC, and have the ability to run the actual control code. For example, in a lighting application to control an LED light. With the Concerto it is possible to apply the PLC and the digital power stage, either boost or buck, to control the drive of the LED lighting stage, without loading the main processor. This allows the processor to run its ISR control loops, run the PWMs, and offload the Virturbi math to a dedicated Virturbi core. NTI C2000 is the primary processor for the TI-based PLC solution. On the website at, there are multiple options available, as well as demo boards for PLC.

PTM Published on: 2012-12-27