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Connectivity in Control Systems Slide 13

This slide presents an overview of what the different devices in the current Concerto family are. As can be seen, the maximum clock speed is 150 MHz on the C28X core, 75 MHz on the Cortex core. There is an issue with the clocking in these devices. The Cortex is capable of running up to 100 MHz, but because of the way the clock dividers work, when the C28X is running at 150 MHz the ARM can only run at 75 MHz. It is possible to do a 1:1 clock, by running the C28X at 100 MHz, and the M3 at 100 MHz. These devices are all available with Ethernet, USB, and CAN communications. There are also derivatives available if connectivity is not needed. As shown in the table, clock speeds range from 60 MHz on both cores, to 75 MHz on both cores, and finally to 150 MHz on the C28x and 75 MHz on the Cortex core. Memory is up to 1 MB in Flash, and up to 132 kB in RAM. The memory can be allocated to either core; when the device is powered on, the host controller of the device sets up how the memory is allocated between the two cores.

PTM Published on: 2012-12-27