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FTDI specializes in “Design Made Easy”. The traditional graphics approach is too complex and concentrates around pixel manipulations. How can it be simplified? Enter EVE: the FTDI Embedded Video Engine. The FT800 is the first IC in the EVE family that incorporates display, audio, and touch on a single chip. The EVE approach utilizes object oriented methodology where simple commands are used to generate complex, anti-aliased graphics on-the-fly through graphics primitives and built-in widgets. With the FT800, a lower cost MCU can be used, usually with its own on-chip program and data memory. The touch and audio controllers and 256KBytes of object memory are internal to the FT800. The LCD panel, touch interface and audio circuits connect directly to the FT800 for an easy graphics solution. By using FTDI’s EVE solution, system cost is reduced on several levels, including the bill of materials, PCB size, and development time.
PTM Published on: 2013-10-02