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Smart Grid Solutions: Smart Grid Distribution/Smart Meters Slide 10

Shown on this slide is the alignment of ST with the technology of the Smart Grid evolution. In the years before 2000, from 1980-1987, there was the implementation of automatic meter reading; going away from people coming to the customer’s door to read the meters to an automatic method for the information to be transmitted. At that time, the technology did not need speed, and ST was there with dedicated power supply technology and metrology ICs, providing communication through the power lines. ST was a pioneer in communicating smart energy consumption. The infrastructure has evolved, the Smart Grid has gotten smarter, so ST moved from AMR, automated meter reading, into advanced metering infrastructure with bidirectional information flow. With more than ten years of experience, ST comes in with a new generation of technology which is much more powerful. These are 32-bit microcontrollers, with a dedicated, efficient, power supply for a power meter following the new energy saving normative. Additionally this technology was higher performing, such as power line communication with the Smart Grid technology. The most recent evolution, and looking to the future, has led from the AMI standard to HEM, Home Energy Management. ST can now complete the full infrastructure with the Smart Grid and have communication not only on the power line, but via RF, inside and outside the house. This type of metering gets more demanding, with more data which needs to be more accurate, and this is another technology step that ST has brought into the market to standard home energy management needs. In the integrated Smart Grid, there are technologies such as Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, efficient power conversion, renewable energy, micro-grids, and advanced metering which all must be put together with system knowledge for Smart Energy and Smart Grid applications.

PTM Published on: 2013-08-23