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On-resistance times gate charge (RQ) is a useful Figure of Merit. This combines on-state characteristics and switching capability, and is widely used to compare technologies for real life application. Because of the limitations of silicon, power MOSFETs cannot simultaneously switch quickly and have very low resistance. The tradeoff between these two characteristics leads to a figure of merit called the RQ product. This graph compares the RQ product of the 100 volt EPC2001 compared with the best silicon MOSFETs available today. For 100V devices, EPC eGaN transistors have about a 5x lead over the leading Silicon MOSFETs. For 200V devices, the lead is about 10x. As the specific Rdson for eGaN decreases, its lead in RxQ figure of merit will increase. As we increase voltage with planned new releases this year to 600 V, the comparisons will become even more favorable towards eGaN. This quantum improvement in a critical figure of merit enables whole new architectures in power management.

PTM Published on: 2010-09-27