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SAM3U Cortex-M3 Based MCU Introduction Slide 2
Shown on this slide are the key features of the Microchip SAM3U. This product was designed to offer the largest data bandwith. This was achieved by using the architecture found on the high-performance ARM926 products (SAM9 series). The 5-layer bus matrix, multiple DMA channels and high-speed peripherals enable parallel data transfers at high speeds. The SAM3U embeds a Flash with up to 256 kB, with 128-bit access and zero wait states for high-speed applications. The dual Flash banks with boot bank select make self-programming and firmware update easier and faster. Due to the low operating voltage (down to 1.62 V) the SAM3U is a good device for battery powered applications. For SAM7 product users, the SAM3U is the migration path to higher performance, providing maximum code portability thanks to the identical hardware abstraction layer and commom peripherals.
PTM Published on: 2011-09-16