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The other feature that is highly flexible is the start-up sequencing, the soft start and the delays of the soft start. The Power Architect software can adjust these parameters, and these slides show the flexibility it has. This slide shown here shows the turn on, where the first picture on the left shows the flexibility in the delay, and on the right hand side shows the flexibility in the ramp up time of the output. Now one thing to notice on the right hand slide, is the far left slope, the slowest ramp up time, one can start to see discreet steps. That is the DAC ramping up from zero to the final value. What it is actually doing is close loop at 50mV and ramping the output voltage up, to get the same result every single time. Note that the internal oscillator that controls these ramps and delays is accurate to 10% over temperature thus ensuring consistent results every power cycle. The designer also has the ability to tie the internal clock frequencies together, through the clock synchronization function and do accurate sequencing between multiple products.

PTM Published on: 2013-09-19