The Chronos includes a variety of free development software to assist users in creation of applications. From an IDE standpoint, there are three very common platforms used for the MSP430: Code Composer Studio or CCS, the IAR Embedded Workbench, or the MSPGCC. Each of these pieces of software has a version that is free for the Chronos. Specifically the MSPGCC is a complete open source tool with no restriction. It can be obtained from Sourceforge and some projects have been been ported by the community to have out-of-box support for MSPGCC. Additionally, the projects provided by TI or the community are production-ready and open-source which means the can be used for demos, as starting platforms for application development or even in an application to sell to customers. There are many RF stacks available for use with the Chronos. Out of the box the Chronos will communicate using SimpliciTI™ and the BlueRobin™ protocol. Using the CC430 radio which is an industry standard architecture, offers options to the user for the Chronos including W-Mbus which is a common wireless protocol in the metering space and 6LoWPAN which is a wireless protocol stack the uses IPV6 packets so the user can ping the Chronos directly from the internet regardless of location. For more information on the software projects, RF stacks or any community developed applications please visit the wiki at