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This slide features the primary MOSFET parameters. There are many more parameters and it would be very inaccurate to say that these five parameters would be enough to perform a complete cross-reference. Nevertheless, the five parameters shown allow the user to perform a good benchmark. The Breakdown Voltage or BVdss, is the maximum drain-to-source voltage that the MOSFETs can withstand without reaching an avalanche breakdown. Normally this parameter is found on the front page of the datasheet. BVdss increases with temperature and the datasheets specify this parameters at 25°C. The second important parameter is the Rds(on), or On-State resistance which is the total resistance between the source and drain while in the on-state condition.; basically when the MOSFET is in conduction. It is a parameter that directly impacts the efficiency of the application. In general, the Rds(on) is calibrated based on the power of the application. The RDS(on), similar to the breakdown voltage, increases with the temperature and, also in this case the Rds(on) is specified at 25°C on the front page of the datasheet. Of lower importance, the third parameter is the drain current, the current that the device can withstand per maximum power dissipation when the device is stabilized at 25°C. This decreases with the temperature. The higher the temperature, the higher the Rds(on), and the lower the drain current capability. The next parameter is the Vgs threshold, called (Vth). This is the minimum voltage that is needed between gate and source to turn the transistor on. It decreases when temperature increases. Another important parameter is the total gate charge, the amount of the required charge injected in the gate terminal in order to turn on the MOSFET. If this charge is removed, it turns off the MOSFET. In general, depending also on the application, the lower the gate charge is, the better it is. Typically, there is a tradeoff between RDS(on) and Gate charge. In order to make a device with a lower Rds(on), since the MOSFET is formed by many cells, the die size will be larger. If the die size increases while decreasing the Rds(on), the gate charge will increase. Therefore, it is a tradeoff, between Rds(on) and gate charge. For applications that run at low switching frequency, in general, the designer selects a low Rds(on) device and will be dealing with higher gate charge. However, that means that in the application, the gate charge does not play a big role, or vice versa. For high frequency applications, the gate charge plays a bigger role than the Rds(on).

PTM Published on: 2017-06-02