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In summary, power for sensor applications can be supplied in different ways, either from a central power unit or locally from batteries or energy harvesting technologies, whereby the latter is destined to set standards for future systems. Energy is a scarce commodity, making power management of the uttermost importance. Therefore it seems to be essential to reduce standby energy consumption through energy-saving solutions. Removing wiring from sensor applications also opens the door to a more extensive use of sensors in a system. Depending on the applications, the requirements on power supplies may vary, so there will be a need for versatile components which can cope with all kinds of premises. The first of its kind, the R-78S series opens the gates to smart solutions for these new industrial challenges. It can be used to prolong the lifetime of a battery or to support energy harvesting devices to provide constant voltage to power a microprocessor. The R420, which is already being used in existing current loops, can also be installed in IoT-systems with autonomous sensors. In combination with solar cells they can power a sensor, even in dim light, and protect against high voltage at full light. RECOM’s new DC/DC converters are able to handle the Industry 4.0 and IoT challenges and are able to prolong the lifetime of sensor applications significantly.
PTM Published on: 2017-07-19