所订产品一般在 7-10个工作日 内送达中国,具体时间取决于收货地点。
最低订购金额为人民币 300 元,顺丰快递免运费配送。
当用人民币下单时,按照国际贸易条款 DDP(DigiKey 支付关税、海关费用和当地税款)方式结算。
下单后,从合作伙伴发货平均需要时间 1-3 天,也可能产生额外运费。可能另外收取运费。 实际发货时间请留意产品详情页、购物车和结账页面上的说明。
国际贸易结算方式:CPT(交货时支付关税、海关费用和适用 VAT/应付税金)
Adafruit was founded in 2005 by MIT engineer, Limor "Ladyada" Fried. Her goal was to create the best place online for learning electronics and making the best designed products for makers of all ages and skill levels. Adafruit has grown to over 50 employees in the heart of NYC with a 15,000+ sq ft.
This project demonstrates how to build a color sensor detector using the APDS-9960 and the Adafruit Feather ESP32-S2 TFT (you can also use Adafruit Feather ESP32-S3 TFT) to control HomeKit devices through ItsaSNAP.
Each new generation of the Raspberry Pi brings improvements over the last, and the Raspberry Pi 5 is no exception. The new Adafruit Blinka Raspberry Pi5 PioMatter library brings this capability to the Raspberry Pi 5 by way of the PIO peripherals.
This guide will go over using the library as well as covering the examples included with the library.
Worn on a lanyard or clipped to a pocket or pack, this adorable camera snaps a photo every few seconds. Slide the SD card into your computer to review the day’s activities or merge all the images into a timelapse animation.
In this project, you'll setup an Apple Shortcut to use Base64 encoding to send a photo to your Adafruit IO feed.
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