
Amphenol Corporation 设计、制造和销售电气、电子和光纤连接器、互连系统、传感器、天线以及同轴和特种电缆。

Amphenol 针对工业应用提供多种互连器件解决方案,包括 D-Sub、滤波连接器和适合恶劣环境的连接器。

Amphenol 传感器品牌
Amphenol 的传感器产品组合为最先进的传感应用提供了广泛多样的标准和定制传感器解决方案选择

DeepTronica® 专用电缆水下连接器
Amphenol LTW DeepTronica® 系列提供圆形迷你尺寸(11,000 米深度)、圆形微型尺寸(7,000 米深度)和高达 12 个触点的触点密度。

PCIe® Gen 6 Card Edge Connectors
Amphenol PCIe® Gen 6 card edge connectors are backward compatible and maintain footprint interchangeability with PCIe® 5/4/3/2/1.

ecomate® RSSM Series Connectors
Amphenol Sine Systems ecomate® rugged superior seal metal (RSSM) series of circular metal connectors increases the IP ratings to IP67/69K over previous versions.

ecomate® RM(加固型金属)高电流系列连接器
Amphen Sine Systems ecomate® RM(加固型金属)高电流系列圆形连接器提供 4 个外壳尺寸,5 个插芯排列和 IP67 防护等级。
近期 PTM

10 minutes
Type MA100 NTC Thermistor Series
This module will provide an overview of Amphenol Thermometrics Type MA100 interchangeable NTC thermistor assemblies.

5 minutes
NPB 102 Barometric Pressure Sensor
This presentation will review the pressure sensor basics and discuss the advantages, typical applications and different specifications.

5 minutes
Water Detection Sensor
This presentation will provide an overview of the features and applications, and highlight the benefit of being able to provide early detection of water leakage.

5 minutes
NPI-19 Harsh Environment Digital I²C Pressure Sensor
This presentation will review pressure sensor basics and discuss the advantages,typical applications, and specifications.
关于 Amphenol
Amphenol 是全球最大的互连产品制造商之一。该公司设计、制造和销售电气、电子和光纤连接器、同轴和扁平带状电缆以及互连系统。Amphenol 作为行业领导者,实现了在众多高增长市场中的多元化存在,具体包括军事和商用航空航天、汽车、宽带通信、工业、信息技术和数据通信设备、移动设备和无线基础设施。