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Amphenol Advanced Sensors

Image of Amphenol's Coolant/Fluid Leak Detection


Thermometrics (Amphenol Advanced Sensors) 易于安装的冷却剂/液体泄漏检测传感器可检测各种应用中的湿气泄漏。

Image of Amphenol Sensor Brands

Amphenol Sensor 品牌

Amphenol 的传感器产品组合为最先进的传感应用提供了广泛多样的标准和定制传感器解决方案。

Image of Amphenol's Telaire T9602 Sensors

Telaire T9602 系列湿度和温度传感器

Amphenol Advanced Sensors 推出用于 OEM 安装的 T9602 系列湿度和温度传感器。


最新产品 特色产品

表面贴装泡沫 (SMF) 传感器

Amphenol Advanced SMF 是一种多功能温度传感器,可直接安装在几乎任何表面上,确保精确监测温度。

RL1004 系列低温 NTC 热敏电阻

Amphenol Advanced Sensors RL 系列低温 NTC 热敏电阻探头用于液氮 (LN2) 或液氧 (LOX) 的液位检测。

ZTPD-2210 数字输出红外 (IR) 探测器

Amphenol ZTPD-2210 数字输出探测器旨在通过多种创新功能提供可靠的温度测量。

RTS 系列环形端子温度传感器

Amphenol Advanced Sensors 的 RTS 系列环形端子温度传感器非常适合表面温度测量应用。



Image of Amphenol Advanced Sensors ZTP-148SRC1 Non-Contact Banner

ZTP-148SRC1 非接触式红外温度传感器

Amphenol Advanced Sensors 热电堆红外 (IR) 传感器温度计可在以下应用中进行可靠且准确的非接触表面温度测量:耳温计、前额体温计、体表温度测量、信息亭或步行式扫描仪、热扫描仪的 IR 温度测量。


Amphenol Advanced Sensors Coolant/Fluid Leak Detection PIO | DigiKey
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Coolant/Fluid Leak Detection PIO | DigiKey
Telaire AAS-LDS-UNO PM2.5 Evaluation Board
Telaire AAS-LDS-UNO PM2.5 Evaluation Board
Amphenol Sensors Connecting Your World Through Sensing Innovations
Amphenol Sensors Connecting Your World Through Sensing Innovations
Amphenol GE-1935-2102-2103 Temperature Sensors | DigiKey Daily
Amphenol GE-1935-2102-2103 Temperature Sensors | DigiKey Daily

近期 PTM

Image of Amphenol Advanced Sensors Type MA100 NTC Thermistor Series
10 minutes
Type MA100 NTC Thermistor Series
This module will provide an overview of Amphenol Thermometrics Type MA100 interchangeable NTC thermistor assemblies.
Amphenol Advanced Sensors' NPB 102 Barometric Pressure Sensor
5 minutes
NPB 102 Barometric Pressure Sensor
This presentation will review the pressure sensor basics and discuss the advantages, typical applications and different specifications.
Amphenol Advanced Sensors' Water Detection Sensor
5 minutes
Water Detection Sensor
This presentation will provide an overview of the features and applications, and highlight the benefit of being able to provide early detection of water leakage.
Amphenol Advanced Sensors' NPI-19 Digital I²C Pressure Sensor
5 minutes
NPI-19 Harsh Environment Digital I²C Pressure Sensor
This presentation will review pressure sensor basics and discuss the advantages,typical applications, and specifications.
Image of Amphenol Advanced Sensors Type 95 Interchangeable NTC Thermistors
10 minutes
Type 95 Interchangeable NTC Thermistors
This presentation will provide an introduction to the Type 95 interchangeable NTC thermistors from Amphenol Thermometrics.
Image of Amphenol Advanced Sensors' T6793 NDIR OEM CO2 Sensor Module
5 minutes
T6793 NDIR OEM CO2 Sensor Module
This presentation will provide an overview of Amphenol Advanced Sensors T6793 NDIR OEM CO2 Sensor module.

关于 Amphenol Advanced Sensors

Amphenol Advanced Sensors 融合了行业领导者在先进检测和计量解决方案方面的设计和制造技术创新能力和经验,成就了一家世界级的企业——Amphenol Advanced Sensors。

这家规模达数百万美元级的企业,业务遍及全球,提供广泛的产品和服务,帮助客户应对挑战,提升生产效率。Amphenol Advanced Sensors 是一家跨国公司,提供传感元件、设备、仪器和系统,能够让我们的客户监视、保护、控制和验证其关键工艺和应用。这是一家拥有核心技术的仪器企业,专注于高增长行业。