• Preferred Supplier

Phoenix Contact

Image of Phoenix Contact's Build with Confidence


Phoenix Contact 为各个行业提供各种灵活、优质的高性价比产品,为用户带来多种控制柜选择。

Image of Phoenix Contact's Connect with Confidence


Phoenix Contact 在广泛的电源、控制和网络连接方面深厚的专业知识和坚定的信心,能让您所有的应用都拥有可靠性、多功能性和优异的性能。

Image of Phoenix Contact's Everything Goes Data


Phoenix Contact 提供带屏蔽式优化组件,能满足各种应用中可靠地进行数据传输的规范。



GameChangers for device connectivity
GameChangers for device connectivity
CONNEXIS Series Wire-to-Board Connectors
CONNEXIS Series Wire-to-Board Connectors
QUINT 4 SIL 3 Rated Power Supply - Unboxing | DigiKey
QUINT 4 SIL 3 Rated Power Supply - Unboxing | DigiKey
Ethernet Patch Panel and Power-over-Ethernet
Ethernet Patch Panel and Power-over-Ethernet

近期 PTM

5 minutes
This presentation will introduce the portfolio overview, the features and benefits, and advantages of Phoenix Contact’s RIFLINE relay portfolio.
5 minutes
PLC Relays
This presentation will introduce the portfolio overview, the features and benefits, and advantages of this product line.
5 minutes
FINEPITCH Series of Board-to-Board Connectors
Phoenix Contact's FINEPITCH board-to-board connectors offer a wide range of connection configurations.
5 minutes
M12 Push-Pull Connectors
Phoenix Contact's M12 push-pull connectors reduce installation time of sensors and actuators and provide flexibility in product offerings.
5 minutes
THERMOMARK GO.K Handheld Printer
Phoenix Contact's THERMOMARK GO.K is a small, portable printer for industrial uses such as terminal block, wire, cable, and equipment marking.
5 minutes
Industrial Case System (ICS)
This presentation will discuss the need for expandable and modular packaging options, available from Phoenix Contact.

关于 Phoenix Contact

Phoenix Contact 是电气连接、电子接口和工业自动化技术领域的全球领导者,立志通过创新、激发灵感的解决方案推动行业发展。该公司与客户和合作伙伴的关系以共同、持续的价值为导向。Phoenix Contact 是全集成制造商,提供设计精良、精心制造的产品。

作为针对 PCB 和 DIN 导轨应用的端子块连接技术领域的全球市场领导者,Phoenix Contact 的业内可谓是闻名遐迩。多样化的产品范围包括端子块、电源、信号调节器和数据转换器、工业连接器、瞬态电压和浪涌保护、无线信号和数据发射器。Phoenix Contact 还提供全面的自动化解决方案,如工业 PC、I/O、HMI、软件和工业以太网。

Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. 于 1923 年创立于德国布隆博格,年销售额超过 17 亿 7000 万欧元,全球各地雇员超过 14,000 人。Phoenix Contact USA 是该公司 46 个国际子公司之一,成立于 1981 年。