Learn the distinction between a mathematical, data-described digital twin and a visual digital twin and how both are needed to create the industrial metaverse.
Using P-channel or N-channel MOSFETs for system power cycling mechanisms can safeguard systems and mitigate potential damage.
Pogo pins consist of a cylindrical barrel housing an internal spring, which allows the pin to compress and maintain stable contact pressure.
This article discusses the design challenges and key considerations involved in developing a reliable and safe multiphase power controller.
A refresher on industry safety requirements, a review of the basics of safety laser scanners, and a dive into how layered safety envelopes can be implemented.
A review of the operating frequencies on several radar specifications, a comparison of radar technologies, and a software suite that can speed the development.
回顾传统网络架构中的本地控制和云连接,并讨论由 IO-Link 主机实现的新架构。
文章介绍了边缘计算及TinyML在物联网中的应用,以电子鼻项目为例,采用ESP32-S3芯片和Edge Impulse平台,通过气体传感器检测气体成分实现气味识别与分类。包括硬件组成、模型训练部署过程,如对可乐和葡萄汁实验及生熟芒果实验。展示了该项目在物流管理等领域的应用前景,强调了随着技术发展,TinyML应用场景将更广阔,Firebeetle ESP32-S3将在多领域发挥作用。
了解 Renesas RA0E1 MCU 如何平衡价格与性能以及如何降低成本敏感型应用的物料成本。
Custom enclosures based on modified stock enclosures reduce costs and save time, and easy-to-use specialized software speeds up their configuration.
本文主要介绍了 ESP - NOW 技术在物联网中的应用。ESP - NOW 是乐鑫公司的无连接 WiFi 通信协议,通过设备 MAC 地址识别和通讯,适合多设备低功耗低延迟数据传输。DFRobot 的 Beetle ESP32 - C3 支持该技术,具有小尺寸、低功耗等优势。基于此开发板的运动按钮项目有打地鼠、接力和击鼓传花三种模式,通过 ESP - NOW 实现设备同步和交互,展示了该技术在游戏、智能家居等领域的应用可能性。
本文主要介绍了 ESP32 系列中的 C6 和 S3 芯片。C6 采用 RISC - V 架构,支持多种无线连接技术和通信协议,在智能家居中有广泛应用;S3 具有双核处理器架构和更高主频,增加了向量指令,适合复杂应用和服务机器人。DFRobot 的 Firebeetle 开发板基于 ESP32 芯片特性设计,并展示了两个社区明星项目。随着技术发展,C6 和 S3 在物联网中有更多应用机会。