
Image of 开启模块化物联网开发新时代 开启模块化物联网开发新时代 发布日期:2024-08-30

对于开发者来说,传统原型开发到产品落地成本高昂,而 M5Stack 的模块化开发套件极大帮助开发者快速验证概念,加速开发周期。M5Stack 的产品基于模块化理念,核心模组采用 5x5cm 标准尺寸,可堆叠拼接功能组件。其丰富的硬件模块和简便的图形化软件平台 UIFlow,面向多个领域的创新者,并提供定制化服务。M5Stack 有完整的产品生态体系,相对于传统开发流程,效率有质的提升。

Image of How Multi-Sensor Asset Monitoring Can Improve Performance How Multi-Sensor Asset Monitoring Can Improve Performance in Industry 4.0 Factories and Logistics and in Datacenters 发布日期:2024-08-30

Monitoring machines for parameters like vibration and temperature can provide real-time data on machine performance and health.

CAN-FD: The Second Chapter to CAN Bus Networks CAN-FD: The Second Chapter to CAN Bus Networks

Learn about CAN FD, its advantages over traditional CAN, and how it’s transforming data transmission in automotive and industrial applications.

Image of What are Some Key Considerations When Selecting Industrial Automation Equipment? What are Some Key Considerations When Selecting Industrial Automation Equipment? 发布日期:2024-08-28

A discussion of several considerations when specifying motors, drives, and communications modules, along with examples of application, hardware, and protocol.

Image of Understanding the Difference Between Surge Protectors and Circuit Breakers Understanding the Difference Between Surge Protectors and Circuit Breakers

AC Connectors discusses the differences between surge protectors and circuit protectors in this blog.

DS1302 Real-Time Clock Module: A Reliable Timekeeping Solution DS1302 Real-Time Clock Module: A Reliable Timekeeping Solution

Discover how the DS1302 Real-Time Clock module ensures reliable timekeeping for your projects.

Building a Formula Car: BSPD Part 1 Building a Formula Car: BSPD Part 1

Discover how the Anteater Formula Racing team at UC Irvine designs a crucial safety circuit, the BSPD, for their Formula SAE car.

Image of Webinar – Experience Mobility in Manufacturing with Wireless Pushbuttons Webinar – Experience Mobility in Manufacturing with Wireless Pushbuttons

This webinar explores the use wireless pushbuttons in industrial facilities. Using battery-less wireless pushbuttons greatly reduces installation time.

Image of Lawn Mower Fleet Management with iWave Telematics Solutions Lawn Mower Fleet Management with iWave Telematics Solutions 发布日期:2024-08-22

With telematics, lawn mowers can provide fleet managers solutions to monitor and manage their entire fleet, including vehicles, drivers, and assets.

Image of People & Machines Must Collaborate for Successful Supply Chain Management People & Machines Must Collaborate for Successful Supply Chain Management

As artificial intelligence and data become critical drivers in supply chain capabilities, organizations will likely encounter a procurement skills gap.

Enhance Your XRP Project With a Raspberry Pi Using a Serial Connection Enhance Your XRP Project With a Raspberry Pi Using a Serial Connection

Learn how to transfer data between Raspberry Pi and the Pico on your XRP using UART serial communication.

Image of Why Use an FPGA SoM for FPGA System Designs? 为什么要在 FPGA 系统设计中使用 FPGA SoM? 发布日期:2024-08-21

FPGA SoM 是一种紧凑型计算模块,设计用于集成到更大的系统中,并包括多个基本组件。

Image of How to Select and Apply Electromechanical Relays for Versatile and Reliable Signal Switching 如何选择和应用机电继电器实现多功能且可靠的信号切换 发布日期:2024-08-20

如何选择和使用 EMR,在从直流到千兆赫射频信号的范围内实现多功能、可靠、灵活且一致的信号切换和路由。

Image of Center of Gravity: Where Stability Meets Engineering Ingenuity 重心:稳定性与工程独创性的立足之点


Image of Webinar – Miniature Connectors for Low Earth Orbit Space Applications 网络研讨会 – 用于低地球轨道空间应用的小型连接器

此次网络研讨会讨论 NASA 的各种高密度、耐用型电气连接器的多级质量和筛检术语名称。

Image of Use Mini Molded Inductors to Save Space, Reduce Losses, and Enhance Power Integrity and Efficiency Use Mini Molded Inductors to Save Space, Reduce Losses, and Enhance Power Integrity and Efficiency 发布日期:2024-08-15

Mini molded inductors offer designers all the benefits of a conventional molded inductor but in a smaller package.

Von-Neumann Architecture Von-Neumann Architecture

Learn about the differences between fixed program and stored program computers and why Von Neumann architecture remains pivotal.

Image of How to Quickly Design and Deploy IIoT-Ready Machines 如何快速设计和部署 IIoT 就绪型机器 发布日期:2024-08-14

回顾 Schneider Electric 的电机控制方案如何为设计人员提供端到端的自动化解决方案。

Image of Use Advanced Switching ICs to Implement Efficient, Feature-Rich, Low-Power AC/DC Supplies 使用先进的开关 IC 实现高效、功能丰富的小功率 AC/DC 电源 发布日期:2024-08-13

使用功能丰富的开关 IC,以简化如何满足低功耗 AC/DC 转换器的性能目标和法规要求的过程。

Image of Integrated Time-to-Digital Converters Simplify Time-of-Flight Range-Finding Designs 集成时间数字转换器简化了飞行时间测距应用的设计
