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Bluetooth LE Sensor Nodes to Raspberry Pi WiFi Bridge

2024-04-02 | By Adafruit Industries

License: See Original Project Raspberry Pi

Courtesy of Adafruit

Guide by John Park



Use sensor packed Bluefruit boards and a Raspberry Pi to build a ‎network of sensors that send data to Adafruit IO!‎

This project takes advantage of CircuitPython running on ‎the Feather Bluefruit Sense and CLUE boards (any nRF52840 ‎Adafruit board will work) and Python running on the Raspberry Pi.‎

The Pi receives advertised BLE sensor data from the Feather and ‎CLUE and then sends that data over WiFi or Ethernet to your ‎Adafruit IO feed.‎

It’s a super easy way to make a wireless sensor node, using the built ‎in wireless/networking capabilities of the Raspberry Pi!‎



You can use any of the Adafruit nRF52840 boards and sensors you ‎like. We'll show how it works with the Feather Sense and CLUE ‎boards, since they pack so many sensors right on board.‎

Optional Parts

If you want to use, say, a Feather nRF52840 plus some plug-in ‎STEMMA QT breakouts, here are some great options:‎

Prepare the CLUE


We'll set up the CLUE board to act as a sensor for the BroadcastNet.‎

First, set up CircuitPython on the CLUE following the instructions on ‎this page.‎


Next, install the libraries needed. This guide page will show you ‎where to download them.‎

You'll need the following libraries for this project:‎

  • adafruit_apds9960
  • adafruit_ble
  • adafruit_ble_broadcastnet
  • adafruit_bmp280.mpy
  • adafruit_bus_device
  • adafruit_clue.mpy
  • adafruit_register
  • adafruit_lis3mdl.mpy
  • adafruit_lsm6ds
  • adafruit_sht31d.mpy
  • neopixel.mpy


Text Editor

Adafruit recommends using the Mu editor for using your ‎CircuitPython code with the CLUE board. You can get more info ‎in this guide.‎

Alternatively, you can use any text editor that saves files.‎‎ ‎

Copy the code shown below, paste it into Mu. Save the code from Mu ‎to the CLUE's CIRCUITPY drive as

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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 John Park for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

"""This uses the CLUE as a Bluetooth LE sensor node."""

import time
from adafruit_clue import clue
import adafruit_ble_broadcastnet

print("This is BroadcastNet CLUE sensor:", adafruit_ble_broadcastnet.device_address)

while True:
measurement = adafruit_ble_broadcastnet.AdafruitSensorMeasurement()

measurement.temperature = clue.temperature
measurement.pressure = clue.pressure
measurement.relative_humidity = clue.humidity
measurement.acceleration = clue.acceleration
measurement.magnetic = clue.magnetic


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How It Works

When this code runs on the CLUE board, it'll first import the time, clue, ‎and adafruit_ble_broadcastnet libraries.‎

Then, it will print the unique ID for the board based on the board's ‎BLE adapter's MAC address. This address will be used when ‎messages are sent so there won't be any clashes when multiple ‎microcontroller boards are in range of the BroadcastNet base station.‎

NOTE: This is not a secure connection, so think of this system as ‎‎"broadcasting" in the truest sense of the word!‎

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import time
from adafruit_clue import clue
import adafruit_ble_broadcastnet

print("This is BroadcastNet CLUE sensor:", adafruit_ble_broadcastnet.device_address)


Next, we will have the main loop of the program. In it, the board ‎sends out an advertisement to alert the base station central device ‎that it is there.‎

Next, we collect the different sensor readings such ‎as measurement.temperature = clue.temperature

We then print the combined measurement to the screen and ‎broadcast it.‎

Finally, the code will sleep for a certain amount of time. Depending ‎on your needs this can be as frequent as every two seconds if ‎sending a single data point to Adafruit IO* (or every one second to ‎AIO+) to many minutes or hours between sensor measurement ‎broadcasts. In this case, it is pausing for 60 seconds between ‎broadcasts.‎‎

‎‎*The data limit on Adafruit IO is 30 data points per minute and ‎‎60/min on Adafruit IO+)‎

Even if you only measure one data point, there will always also be an ‎additional data point sent for the 'missed-message-count' value ‎used as a type of error check. This counts toward the rate limit on ‎AIO.‎

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while True:
measurement = adafruit_ble_broadcastnet.AdafruitSensorMeasurement()

measurement.temperature = clue.temperature
measurement.pressure = clue.pressure
measurement.relative_humidity = clue.humidity
measurement.acceleration = clue.acceleration
measurement.magnetic = clue.magnetic


Once we set up the Raspberry Pi to act as a Broadcastnet base ‎station, the CLUE sensor data will be able to make its way all the ‎way to Adafruit IO!‎

Prepare the Feather Sense


We'll set up the Feather Sense board to act as a sensor for the ‎BroadcastNet.‎

First, set up CircuitPython on the Feather Sense following ‎the instructions on this page. NOTE: This board is so new, the ‎instructions are actually for the regular nRF52840 Feather, so when ‎you go to the download page, be sure to use ‎the download for the Sense board instead!‎


Next, install the libraries needed. This guide page will show you ‎where to download them.‎

You'll need the following libraries for this project:‎

  • adafruit_apds9960
  • adafruit_ble
  • adafruit_ble_broadcastnet
  • adafruit_bmp280
  • adafruit_bus_device
  • adafruit_register
  • adafruit_lis3mdl
  • adafruit_lsm6ds
  • adafruit_sht31d
  • neopixel.mpy


Text Editor

Adafruit recommends using the Mu editor for using your ‎CircuitPython code with the Feather Sense board. You can get more ‎info in this guide.‎

Alternatively, you can use any text editor that saves files.‎‎


Copy the code shown below, paste it into Mu. Save the code from Mu ‎to the Feather's CIRCUITPY drive as‎

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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 John Park for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

"""This uses the Feather Sense as a Bluetooth LE sensor node."""

import time
import adafruit_ble_broadcastnet
import board
import adafruit_lsm6ds # accelerometer
import adafruit_sht31d # humidity sensor
import adafruit_bmp280 # barometric sensor
import adafruit_lis3mdl # magnetic sensor

i2c = board.I2C() # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
# i2c = board.STEMMA_I2C() # For using the built-in STEMMA QT connector on a microcontroller

sense_accel = adafruit_lsm6ds.LSM6DS33(i2c)
sense_humid = adafruit_sht31d.SHT31D(i2c)
sense_barometric = adafruit_bmp280.Adafruit_BMP280_I2C(i2c)
sense_magnet = adafruit_lis3mdl.LIS3MDL(i2c)

print("This is BroadcastNet Feather Sense sensor:", adafruit_ble_broadcastnet.device_address)

while True:
measurement = adafruit_ble_broadcastnet.AdafruitSensorMeasurement()

measurement.temperature = sense_barometric.temperature
measurement.pressure = sense_barometric.pressure
measurement.relative_humidity = sense_humid.relative_humidity
measurement.acceleration = sense_accel.acceleration
measurement.magnetic = sense_magnet.magnetic

# print(measurement)

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How It Works

When this code runs on the Feather Sense board, it'll first import ‎the time, board, and adafruit_ble_broadcastnet libraries, along with the library ‎for each sensor in the board that we're using.‎

Next, I2C is instantiated on the board for communications with the ‎sensors.‎

We create an object (with a nice name!) for each sensor as well and ‎instruct them to use I2C.‎

Then, it will print the unique ID for the board based on the board's ‎BLE adapter MAC address. This address will be used when messages ‎are sent, so there won't be any clashes when multiple ‎microcontroller boards are in range of the BroadcastNet base station.‎

NOTE: this is not a secure connection, so think of this system as ‎‎"broadcasting" in the truest sense of the word!

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import time
import adafruit_ble_broadcastnet
import board
import adafruit_lsm6ds # accelerometer
import adafruit_sht31d # humidity sensor
import adafruit_bmp280 # barometric sensor
import adafruit_lis3mdl # magnetic sensor

i2c = board.I2C()

sense_accel = adafruit_lsm6ds.LSM6DS33(i2c)
sense_humid = adafruit_sht31d.SHT31D(i2c)
sense_barometric = adafruit_bmp280.Adafruit_BMP280_I2C(i2c)
sense_magnet = adafruit_lis3mdl.LIS3MDL(i2c)

print("This is BroadcastNet Feather Sense sensor:", adafruit_ble_broadcastnet.device_address)


Next, we will have the main loop of the program. In it, the board ‎sends out an advertisement to alert the base station central device ‎that it is there.‎

Next, we collect the different sensor readings such ‎as measurement.temperature = sense_barometric.temperature (we're using the ‎temperature sensor that is built onto the barometric pressure sensor ‎package.)‎

We then broadcast the combined measurement over BLE.‎

Finally, the code will sleep for a certain amount of time. Depending ‎on your needs, this can be as frequent as every two seconds, if ‎sending a single data point to Adafruit IO* (or every one second to ‎AIO+) to many minutes or hours between sensor measurement ‎broadcasts. In this case, it is pausing for 60 seconds between ‎broadcasts.‎‎ ‎‎

*The data limit on Adafruit IO is 30 data points per minute and ‎‎60/min on Adafruit IO+)‎

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measurement = adafruit_ble_broadcastnet.AdafruitSensorMeasurement()

measurement.temperature = sense_barometric.temperature
measurement.pressure = sense_barometric.pressure
measurement.relative_humidity = sense_humid.relative_humidity
measurement.acceleration = sense_accel.acceleration
measurement.magnetic = sense_magnet.magnetic

# print(measurement)

Once we set up the Raspberry Pi to act as a BroadcastNet base ‎station, the CLUE sensor data will be able to make its way all the ‎way to Adafruit IO!‎

Other Boards

If you choose to use a different Adafruit nRF52840 board and ‎external sensors, the setup will be very nearly the same. Check the ‎guide for the board and sensors for the particulars.‎

Raspberry Pi Quick Setup


This quick-start guide will get you ready to connect and run all sorts ‎of Adafruit projects on your Raspberry Pi computer.‎

You will need:‎

SD Card Prep

First, we need to perform the basic set up the Raspberry Pi. These ‎are the first steps:‎

  • download the latest Raspbian desktop operating system
  • burn the OS to an SD card
  • enable SSH
  • add WiFi settings and credentials

For details on doing these things, follow the first four pages of this ‎guide to get your Pi setup with Raspbian Lite (for 'headless' or ‎remote operation) or NooBs (for graphical / desktop use), WiFi, and ‎ssh enabled.‎

Once the SD card is prepared, come back here so we can continue.‎

Power to the Pi

Safely eject the SD card from your main computer. Then, with the Pi ‎unplugged from power, insert the SD card into the Pi's SD card slot.‎

Then, plug in the power to the Pi. You should see some LEDs light up.‎

From here forward, we'll be connecting to the Pi remotely from our ‎main computer. Make sure your computer is on the same WiFi ‎network as the Pi.‎


After a minute or two, you can try and ping the Pi to see if it has ‎connected to your network. Open a terminal on your computer, such ‎as on a mac (Windows users will require some ‎additional setup. Read here), and type this and press return:‎

ping -c 3 raspberrypi.local

You should see an output similar to this:‎

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jep@machine ~ % ping -c 3 raspberrypi.local
PING raspberrypi.local ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=14.993 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=20.565 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=50.571 ms

--- raspberrypi.local ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 14.993/28.710/50.571/15.625 ms

This tells us that the Pi is on the network and has an address of ‎‎‎


We can now connect to it through the secure shell (SSH) so we can ‎control it remotely.‎

Here's some great info on SSH from the Raspberry Pi Foundation.‎

Type the following in your terminal:‎

ssh pi@raspberrypi.local


ssh pi@ (or whatever address you saw returned earlier when ‎you pinged it.)‎

You may see a message warning you that the authenticity of the ‎host can't be established, are you sure you want to continue ‎connecting (yes/no)?‎

To this question you can reply by typing yes and pressing return. This ‎will add the Pi to your list of known hosts and should not pop up ‎again with this question.‎

You will now see the password prompt for the Pi:‎

pi@raspberrypi.local's password:‎

Go ahead and type in the default password, which is: raspberry

Change the Password!‎

You will now be logged into the Pi over ssh! There will be a warning ‎about changing your password from the default and instructions on ‎how to do so. Do it now! Type passwd, hit return and follow the ‎instructions to create a new, secure, non-default password!‎

Rename the Pi

You may end up with multiple Pi computers on your network, which ‎can get confusing if they are all named raspberrypi. To rename this ‎one for this project, type in sudo raspi-config and press return.‎

sudo? What's sudo? It stands for "superuser do", and it's a program ‎that lets you run powerful commands which are normally restricted ‎for reasons of safety and security. Or just to prevent accidents!‎

Use the arrows and enter key on your keyboard to navigate. Pick ‎‎2 Network Options and press return on your keyboard.‎

Then, pick N1 Hostname.‎

Enter a new hostname -- I typed raspberrypiBlinkaBridge

Use the Tab key to get to the <Ok> button and press return.‎

Press tab twice to get to the <Finish> button and press return.‎

Now, we'll restart the Pi to make the changed host name show up ‎on the network by typing sudo reboot and pressing return.‎

Note, this will close the SSH session. After the Pi restarts, wait about ‎a minute, and then reconnect over SSH. This time, you'll use the new ‎name: ssh pi@raspberrypiBlinkaBridge





Update Application List

Once logged into the Pi, we'll do some software updates to make ‎sure we have the latest of everything.‎

We really really recommend the lastest Raspbian only. If you have an ‎older Raspbian install, run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get ‎upgrade" to get the latest OS!‎


sudo apt-get update

And then press return. This will run for a little bit as it reads the ‎available package lists, and then finish, reporting that it is done.‎

You can now apply any of these changes by typing:‎

sudo apt-get upgrade


Type Y and press enter to continue.‎

Software Setup

Now that the Pi is updated and renamed on the network, we'll make ‎sure we have Python 3 setup, as Python 2 is no longer used or ‎supported.‎

pip3, is the software package installer we'll use. Let's upgrade it to ‎the latest version with this command:‎

sudo pip3 install --upgrade setuptools

If above doesn't work, try

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Once that has finished, you'll be returned to the prompt.‎

Make sure you're using Python 3!‎

The default Python on your computer may not be Python 3. Python 2 ‎is officially discontinued, ‎and all our libraries are Python 3 only.‎

We'll be using python3 and pip3 in our commands, use those versions of ‎Python and pip to make sure you're using 3 and not 2.‎

Install Blinka

Blinka is the software that allows us to run CircuitPython and its ‎libraries on Linux. You can read more about it here.‎

To install blinka, type:‎

sudo pip3 install adafruit-blinka

That's it! You can reboot again if you like.‎

Install Pi Bridge Software

BLE Support

Next, we'll set up BLE support with the BlueZ Bluetooth protocol ‎stack. Type this and hit return:‎

sudo apt-get install bluez-hcidump


Adafruit Blinka BLEio

‎"Old MacDonald had a snake, BLEeeee-iiiiii-BLEeeee-iiiiii-oooooo!"‎

Next, we'll install the Adafruit Blinka bleio library, which is required ‎for CircuitPython BLE to work properly.‎

In the ssh terminal type:‎

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pip3 install adafruit-blinka-bleio

Bluetooth Group

In order to have the Pi scan for BLE devices we need to increase the ‎permissions granted to the pi user.‎

To add the user to the bluetooth group do:‎

sudo usermod -a -G bluetooth pi

‎(Or whatever your username is if not the default.)‎

Now, the pi user won't actually have these new permissions until the ‎next time we log in, so type exit and then re-login to the ssh with

ssh pi@raspberrypiblinkabridge.local

Enter your password when promted, then you can check the groups ‎the pi user is in by typing:‎


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pi@raspberrypiBlinkaBridge:~ $ groups
pi adm dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users input netdev bluetooth gpio i2c spi

Now, we'll set permissions so that we can do comprehensive BLE ‎scanning.‎

Type the following lines into the ssh terminal, pressing enter after ‎each one:‎

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sudo chown :bluetooth /usr/bin/hcidump /usr/bin/hcitool
sudo chmod o-x /usr/bin/hcidump /usr/bin/hcitool
sudo setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip' /usr/bin/hcitool
sudo setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip' /usr/bin/hcidump

Install Python libraries

Now you're ready to install the Python support library for the BLE ‎BroadcastNet bridge. Run the following command to install it:‎

pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ble-broadcastnet

Add Examples

Let's add some example code to try by cloning a Git repository ‎locally.‎

Type cd to go to your home directory on the Pi.‎

Note, you can type pwd (print working directory) to see where you are ‎at any time:‎

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pi@raspberrypiBlinkaBridge:~ $ pwd

Here we will clone the example directory. Type:‎

git clone

Once it finishes copying the files, you can have a look. Go to the ‎directory by typing cd Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE_BroadcastNet (Hint, you can ‎press Tab to complete that long directory name after you type a ‎couple of the letters.)‎

Check out the contents by typing ls -1‎

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pi@raspberrypiBlinkaBridge:~/Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE_BroadcastNet $ ls -1

The file is the Python library we'll be ‎using when we run the code. The code we want to run on the Pi is ‎inside the /examples directory. Let's go there by typing:‎

cd ./examples/‎ is the one we'll run on the Pi ‎‎(after setting up the file below), while the others are ‎examples, we can run on different microcontrollers such as the CLUE, ‎Circuit Playground Bluefruit, Feather nRF52840, Feather Sense, and ‎ItsyBitsy nRF52840.‎


Adafruit IO

In order to use the Adafruit IO Internet of Things service (which is ‎absolutely free to use) you'll need to log in with your Adafruit ‎account. If you don't already have an Adafruit login, create one here.‎

If you haven't used Adafruit IO before, check out this guide for more ‎info.‎

Once you have logged into your account, there are two pieces of ‎information you'll need to place in your file: Adafruit IO ‎username, and Adafruit IO key. Head to and simply click ‎the View AIO Key link on the left-hand side of the Adafruit IO page ‎to get this information.‎

Shhh Secrets

The program will need to ‎authenticate your Adafruit IO credentials in order to run. So, we'll ‎create a file called to contain this info.

‎Inside is a Python dictionary named secrets with a line for each entry. ‎Each entry has an entry name (say 'aio_username') and then a colon to ‎separate it from the entry key 'daphne_von_person'‎

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secrets = {
'aio_username' : '_your_aio_username_',
'aio_key' : '_your_big_huge_super_long_aio_key_'

Don't share your - keep that out of GitHub, Discord or ‎other project-sharing sites.‎

Use a text editor to create and save this file into ‎the /Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE_Broadcast/examples directory. ‎Since you are ssh'd into the Pi, the easiest way to do this is with ‎the nano text editor. Type:‎


In the nano editor that launches, copy and paste the secrets text ‎from above, replacing the username and key with your own, then ‎save & exit.‎

Your /examples directory should now look like this:‎


Service Identity

Next, we'll install the service_identity module, which is used behind the ‎scenes for certificate verification. Type this into the ssh terminal and ‎press return:‎

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pip3 install service_identity

Launch BroadcastNet Bridge

We're now ready to run the broadcast bridge software on the Pi! ‎When this runs it will look for BLE sensors, collect their message ‎data, and then send it to your Adafruit IO account as a uniquely ‎named feed.‎

To run it, type this in the ssh shell and press return:‎

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If your Feather Sense and/or CLUE boards you set up earlier are ‎powered on and within range, you will start to see the measurement ‎values being received successfully:‎

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bridge-dca63202680a-sensor-fdc492775544 [{'key': 'missed-message-count', 'value': 0}, {'key': 'acceleration-0-x', 'value': -5.6099700927734375}, {'key': 'acceleration-0-y', 'value': 2.15712833404541}, {'key': 'acceleration-0-z', 'value': 7.956132888793945}, {'key': 'pressure-0', 'value': 992.184814453125}]
Done logging measurement to IO. Took 0.628571397000087 seconds

bridge-dca63202680a-sensor-fdc492775544 [{'key': 'missed-message-count', 'value': 2}, {'key': 'acceleration-0-x', 'value': -5.6506500244140625}, {'key': 'acceleration-0-y', 'value': 2.1284141540527344}, {'key': 'acceleration-0-z', 'value': 7.968097686767578}, {'key': 'pressure-0', 'value': 992.178955078125}]
Done logging measurement to IO. Took 1.1094765150000967 seconds

bridge-dca63202680a-sensor-fdc492775544 [{'key': 'missed-message-count', 'value': 1}, {'key': 'magnetic-0-x', 'value': -0.9061675071716309}, {'key': 'magnetic-0-y', 'value': -21.879562377929688}, {'key': 'magnetic-0-z', 'value': -100.5845947265625}, {'key': 'temperature-0', 'value': 24.0244140625}]
Done logging measurement to IO. Took 0.6365861880001376 seconds

bridge-dca63202680a-sensor-fdc492775544 [{'key': 'missed-message-count', 'value': 0}, {'key': 'acceleration-0-x', 'value': -5.626718521118164}, {'key': 'acceleration-0-y', 'value': 2.1152544021606445}, {'key': 'acceleration-0-z', 'value': 7.981258392333984}, {'key': 'pressure-0', 'value': 992.23876953125}]
Done logging measurement to IO. Took 0.6315450570000394 seconds

If you open your Adafruit IO Feeds page, you'll see this feed there.‎


Let's have a look at how to work with your feed data.‎

BroadcastNet on AIO


Adafruit IO Getting Started

If you're new to Adafruit IO, this guide page has lots of great info and ‎links to check out.‎


Renaming AIO Feeds

When you head to your Adafruit IO Feeds page, you'll see the ‎Raspberry Pi bridge name and sensor name pairings of any sensor ‎boards you're running. Here, I have two:‎


Since these names are derived from the MAC addresses of the ‎devices themselves, they are good unique IDs, but not very friendly ‎looking! Let's change them.‎

First, look at the CLUE screen and make note of the sensor ID. In my ‎case it reports caa19e07860b.‎

Then, click on the feed group of the same name. You'll see a settings ‎gear icon in the Group Info box. Click that.‎

In the Edit Group popup, give the Name field a more descriptive ‎name. Be sure to leave the Key value as it is or things will break!‎

Repeat this process for any other boards you're using.‎




Dashboard Setup

Set up a new dashboard -- I named mine BroadcastNet Dashboard.‎

Hit Create to make the new dashboard, which we can then fill with ‎feed data blocks.‎



Now we'll add feed data blocks to the Dashboard.‎

Press the + icon to add new blocks.‎

Here I've added a graph widget with the two temperatures from the ‎two different boards.‎





You can continue to add elements to the dashboard depending on ‎what you'd like to see!‎


Measurement List

The BroadcastNet library has many different measurements it can ‎read with the measurement command. You can check out ‎the documentation here.‎

For convenience, this is the full list:


Total Volatile Organic Compounds as a float in parts per billion.


Acceleration as (x, y, z) tuple of floats in meters per second per ‎second.‎


Battery voltage in millivolts. Saves two bytes over voltage and is ‎more readable in bare packets.‎


Color as RGB integer.


Current as a float in milliamps.‎


Distance as a float in centimeters.‎


‎16-bit PWM duty cycle. Independent of frequency.‎


Equivalent CO2 as a float in parts per million.‎


As integer Hertz


Gyro motion as (x, y, z) tuple of floats in radians per second.


Brightness as a float without units.


Brightness as a float in SI lux.


Magnetism as (x, y, z) tuple of floats in micro-Tesla.


Absolution orientation as (x, y, z) tuple of floats in degrees.‎


Pressure as a float in hectopascals.


Relative humidity as a float percentage.‎


Temperature as a float in degrees centigrade.‎


16-bit unit-less value. Used for analog values and for booleans.‎


Voltage as a float in Volts.‎


Weight as a float in grams.‎

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