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Which CircuitPython Board is Right for You?

By Adafruit Industries

Pick a feature and find your board!


Bluetooth LE Sensor Nodes to Raspberry Pi WiFi Bridge

By Adafruit Industries

Send data from Bluetooth LE sensors to Adafruit IO with a Raspberry Pi bridge.


CircuitPython BLE Libraries on Any Computer

By Adafruit Industries

Use CircuitPython BLE code on desktops, laptops, and Raspberry Pi.


Wirelessly Code your Bluetooth Device with CircuitPython

By Adafruit Industries

Using only a Web Browser, you can write code directly over Web Bluetooth.


How to Fuse Motion Sensor Data into AHRS Orientation (Euler/Quaternions)

By Adafruit Industries

A basic IMU (Intertial Measurement Unit) generally provides raw sensor data, whereas an AHRS takes this data one step further, converting it into heading or direction in degrees.


Using the Bluefruit Dashboard with Web Bluetooth in Chrome

By Adafruit Industries

Easily test all of your sensors on your Adafruit Bluetooth Device with this dashboard.