Vishay / Siliconix
PowerCAD 设计工具
Vishay 的 PowerCAD 仿真工具是一款免费在线工具,设计者可使用该工具加快电路的设计。


TrenchFET 第四代 MOSFET
Vishay 的下一代 TrenchFET 第四代技术将导通电阻降低至 0.00135 Ω(当 VGS = 4.5 V)。

Vishay 的智能负载开关带有简化的 GPIO 控制器件,可用于实现多个子系统的电源分配和定序。 </ul>

SiP12116 3 A Synchronous Buck Regulator
Vishay's SiP12116 is a high-frequency CM-COT synchronous buck regulator with integrated high- and low-side power MOSFETs.
近期 PTM

10 minutes
microBRICK® DC/DC Regulator Module Family
This presentation will discuss the features and benefits and the target applications for the microBRICK® family from Vishay Siliconix.

5 minutes
FRED Pt Gen 5 Hyperfast Diode Technology
This presentation will introduce the new generation of FRED Pt® Hyperfast diode technology and its deployment in power packages for automotive and industrial applications.

10 minutes
30 V TrenchFET Gen IV MOSFET and PowerPAIR
TrenchFET Generation IV MOSFETs improve efficiency and increase power density. PowerPAIR MOSFETs reduce the PC board area required while increasing efficiency.

10 minutes
High Voltage MOSFET E Series and PFC Device Selection
Introduction to Vishay E Series of 600 and 650 volt superjunction MOSFETs.
关于 Vishay / Siliconix
Vishay 的产品组合是一个具有无与伦比的分立半导体(二极管、MOSFET 和光电元件)和无源元件(电阻器、电感器和电容器)的集合。这些组件几乎适用于工业、计算、汽车、消费、电信、军事、航空航天和医疗市场中所有类型的工业电子器件和设备。Vishay 很荣幸地成为 DigiKey 的主要合作伙伴。