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Vishay / BCcomponents

Image of Vishay BCComponents AC..CS Safety Wirewound Resistors

AC...CS 安全绕线电阻器

对于有安全顾虑的应用来说,Vishay 的 AC03..CS 和 AC05..CS 系列是特别推荐的最合适产品。

Image of High Voltage Power Aluminum Capacitors


简要介绍来自 Vishay 的高电压功率铝电容器,以及一些应用、产品功能和产品要求趋势。

Image of MKP1848S Power Film Capacitors

MKP1848S 大功率薄膜电容器

此模块描述了 Vishay 适合再生能源和工业应用的新型高性能薄膜电容器 MKP1848S(纤薄型)的特性。


特色产品 最新产品

140 CRH and 150 CRZ Series Aluminum Capacitors

Vishay capacitors are polarized aluminum electrolytic, non-solid electrolyte, and self-heating, making them useful for a number of industrial applications.

AY2 系列电容器

Vishay 全新系列 Y2 级安全电容器符合新的安全标准,品质和可靠性高。




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Vishay Thermistors Electronic Simulation Part 7: Back to School for Study of PID Temperature Control
Vishay Thermistors Electronic Simulation Part 7: Back to School for Study of PID Temperature Control
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Vishay Thermistors Electronic Simulation Part 10: For a Few Thermostats more

近期 PTM

Vishay BC Components' 715 Series High-Voltage Disc Ceramic Capacitors
5 minutes
715 Series High-Voltage Disc Ceramic Capacitors
This presentation will discuss the features and applications of the 715 series high voltage disk ceramic capacitors.
Image of Vishay Beyschlag/Draloric/BC Components' MBx/SMA 0204/0207/0414 Metal Film Leaded Resistors
5 minutes
MBx/SMA 0204/0207/0414 Metal Film Leaded Resistors
Vishay MBA/SMA 0204, MBB/SMA 0207, and MBE/SMA 0414 series resistors are ideally suited for applications where high reliability and high stability are required.
Image of Vishay BC Components AC-CS Safety Wirewound Resistors
5 minutes
AC-CS Fusible Wirewound Safety Resistors
This presentation will explore the AC01-CS, AC03-CS, and AC05-CS fusible safety resistors from Vishay BC Components.
Image of Vishay/BC Components' AC, AC-AT Cemented Leaded Wirewound Resistors
5 minutes
AC, AC-AT Cemented Leaded Wirewound Resistors
Vishay's AC, AC-AT series resistors are recommended for applications specifically with power rating up to 10 W.
Image of Vishay BC Components' PAC Cemented Leaded Wirewound Precision Resistors
5 minutes
PAC Cemented Leaded Wirewound Precision Resistors
Vishay's PAC series is ideal for general-purpose power applications with rated power from 1 W to 6 W.
Image of Vishay BC NTCLE317 Temperature Sensor
10 minutes
NTCLE317 Temperature Sensor
This presentation will introduce the NTCLE317 temperature sensor, used for fast, accurate, and reliable temperature sensing and control.

关于 Vishay / BCcomponents

Vishay 的产品组合是一个无与伦比的分立半导体(二极管、MOSFET 和光电元件)与无源元件(电阻器、电感器和电容器)的集合。这些元器件可用在工业、计算、汽车、消费、电信、军事、航空和医疗市场领域的几乎任何一种装置和设备中。Vishay 很荣幸成为 DigiKey 的主要合作伙伴。