The standard product from the PX family is the PXA series. This series has the most variations in size available, rated voltages of 2.5 to 25 Vdc, and guarantees 2000 hours life at 105°C. Based on the PXA series, the PXE series was developed to achieve lower ESR and higher capacitance. The PXE series has lowered ESR by 45% and increased capacitance by 50% when comparing the two series. The 2000 hour life remains the same as the PXA series. The PXF series was designed to lower ESR even further and has achieved ESR levels of 10mΏ while keeping the capacitance values available the same as the PXE. The PXH series was developed to increase performance in high temperature applications. Its rated operating life is 1000 hours at 125 °C.