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Product List
The STM32 F0 benefits from the combination of real-time performance, low-power operation, advanced architecture and peripherals associated with the STM32® ecosystem. This series brings a new degree of freedom to MCU users by combining five key features. The first of these is real-time performance with 48 MHz CPU speed, with five channels of DMA and a bus matrix that allows execution in parallel with DMA transfer. Power efficiency with low-power modes and a fast wake-up time is another key feature, as are the innovative peripherals, such as a Fast mode plus I2C, SPI with a 4- to 16-bit data frame and advanced timers including a motor control timer. Also featured is the high level integration, with everything needed to operate the MCU included in the device, such as real-time calendar clock, separate supply and safety features for lower cost, meeting industry safety specifications and space savings. The final key feature is the tool and software ecosystem with a broad offering for IDE, metalanguage tools such as Matlab, DSP library, starter kits, software libraries, and stacks.
PTM Published on: 2012-08-21