Renesas Synergy™ developed wireless application frameworks to take advantage of SSP’s unified API, regardless of which RF module is chosen. All common wireless functions are captured in the APIs and provide abstraction to insulate the developer from dealing with the specific details below the API. Once the developer has integrated their end application adhering to the APIs, they can change the underlying RF hardware to quickly evaluate solutions from multiple vendors without having to do a lot of modification of their application code. Creators of software drivers for various RF modules and RF chipsets just need to adhere to the API that interfaces to the wireless application framework above the driver, and adhere to the API of the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) below the driver. Following these guidelines, it is very easy for multiple vendors to create drivers for RF modules and chipsets that will be posted on the Synergy Gallery in the Partner Projects area. This approach is common across all three of the wireless application frameworks: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Low Energy, and cellular.