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Comparison Of Touch Technologies

This table shows the comparison between a traditional touch IP and a new touch IP. With the new Touch IP, multiple frequencies can be measured by H/W. This reduces the effect of synchronous noise. In addition, as described in ②, level 4 of the noise minimum test IEC61000 4-3 has been cleared, and it is known that high noise tolerance has been achieved. Next is about the improvement of the sensor system. Correction of temperature drift in ③ can now be realized simply by connecting a fixed resistor to the terminal of the touch. Since there is no need to connect a fixed resistor between the three GPIO as before, The new touch IP makes it easier to improve the accuracy of the sensor. The following sections describe water resistance. ④ It is now possible for the touch terminals to drive the shield electrode directly. This ensures water resistance even in the self-capacitance system, which previously had the possibility of false positives due to attachment of water droplets. In this way, performance and functionality are improved compared to conventional touch-IP (CTSU), It can now be used in a wide range of fields.

PTM Published on: 2022-12-07