Infineon’s PSoC™ devices are supported within an extensible deployment environment called ModusToolbox™. ModusToolbox enables efficient development by providing tools and resources that span the entire development process. The installable ModusToolbox Tools Package will provide a suite of desktop applications available on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. This suite includes tools like a Project Creator, Library Manager, an Eclipse-based IDE, as well as support for Microsoft Visual Studio Code, IAR Embedded Workbench, and Arm® MDK micro-vision IDE. There are additional configurators and tuner applications that support device and middleware level initialization and runtime monitoring. At the heart of ModusToolbox is a Make-based build system, enabling flexible build environments, source code revision control, and support for continuous integration. ModusToolbox leverages embedded run-time software and assets that are hosted within GitHub repositories that are actively maintained by Infineon and some of their partners. These run-time assets include a large selection of code examples and reference designs that can be used to better understand the available software APIs or to use as an initial starting point for an application.