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The DoE Level VI standard tightens performance thresholds for adapters in active mode and no-load conditions. Along with tightened regulations for adapters governed under previous regulations, Level VI expands the range of products that fall under the standard. It should be noted that the current voluntary EU CoC Tier 1 requirements, which are expected to become mandatory as an Ecodesign rule sometime in 2017, are broadly equivalent to Level VI. However, there are differences in how the DoE and EU define external power supplies and the scope of which classes of supply are included or exempt from these rules. Regulated products under DoE Level VI now include: multiple-voltage external power supplies and products with power levels > 250 W. The Level VI performance thresholds are summarized in the tables shown in the next three slides. Single-voltage external AC-DC power supplies are defined as external power supplies that are designed to convert line voltage AC into lower-voltage DC output and is able to convert to only one DC output voltage at a time. Single-voltage external AC-AC power supplies convert line voltage AC into lower-voltage AC output. Level VI reduces the allowable no-load power draw to as low as 20% of levels allowed in previous standards.

PTM Published on: 2015-03-04
PTM Updated on: 2018-01-04