Breadboard Breakout for Analog Discovery
Easily connect Analog Discovery’s signals to Digilent's 410-373 Breadboard Breakout
Digilent's Breadboard Breakout is designed to be used with the Analog Discovery to provide a secure connection with any sized breadboard. It provides a female header to pass through all connections from the Analog Discovery 2 as well as a Cmod style breakout with standard breadboard spaced pins.
Note: The Breadboard Breakout for Analog Discovery shares the same physical connector as the OpenScope, but the pin mapping is not the same. Make sure to check the pin diagram of the OpenScope MZ before using the Breadboard Adapter with other devices.
Project Links
- Provides a direct connection with Digilent's Analog Discovery devices
- Standard spacing for breadboard breakout pins
- Labels for breadboard breakout pins corresponding to Analog Discovery header connections
Breadboard Breakout
Ribbon Cable
Analog Discovery 2
发布日期: 2018-07-23