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How To Install and Configure a VNC Server on a Headless Raspberry Pi

By Staff

Access your headless Raspberry Pi desktop from any computer on the same network using VNC. Follow our guide to get started.


How-To: Create and Run Shell Scripts on a Raspberry Pi

By Staff

Learn how to schedule tasks effectively on your Raspberry Pi using cron and shell scripts. Automate routine processes for improved efficiency and reliability.


PixyCam2 - Giving Your Project Eyes

By Antonio Velasco

Elevate your projects to new heights with PixyCam2, an ingenious mini camera that adds a new dimension of sight.


How To Get Started Using the Docker CLI and GUI

By Staff

Docker made easy: Beginner's guide to Docker GUI and command line. Install and run containerized apps effortlessly. Maximize your Raspberry Pi's potential!


How To Install and Setup Docker on a Raspberry Pi

By Staff

Effortless Docker setup on Raspberry Pi: Learn how to install and configure Docker for efficient project management. Empower your projects with containerization.


How to Flash an Operating System to SD Card for a Raspberry Pi

By Staff

When starting out with a new Raspberry Pi, the first step involves creating a bootable SD card that contains the tiny computer’s operating system and user files.


How to Connect to a Headless Raspberry Pi Using Serial

By Staff

Sometimes, using WiFi or a wired Ethernet connection is unsuitable, but you can still use a Raspberry Pi’s serial console to interface with the computer.


How to Find the IP Address of Your Headless Raspberry Pi

By Staff

Your Pi has booted and connected to your network. Now what? Here are a few straightforward approaches to discovering a headless Raspberry Pi on your local network.


How To Configure Static IP Addresses on a Raspberry Pi

By Staff

Many projects require a Pi to always have the same IP, but a router won't always assign the same IP address. Here’s a simple & effective way to set a static IP.


Stream Live Video Over RTSP From Your Raspberry Pi

By Nate_Larson

Learn how to stream live video with any CSI connected Raspberry Pi camera on Bullseye for web streaming, security surveillance, or integrate with Frigate NVR.


How To Back Up a Raspberry Pi SD Card

By Staff

Creating a full backup of a Raspberry Pi’s SD card is a fast and straightforward procedure that can get your Pi running again quickly if your SD card fails.


How To Reduce the Power Consumption of Smart Home Projects

By Staff

Overcoming problems caused by power-hungry components and communication protocols is a key consideration when designing smart devices that will be active 24/7.