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Building a Voice-Controlled Robot - Linear Models and Machine Learning

By Annabel Ng

Learn about the application of linear control models and PCA classification in creating a voice-controlled robot.


Building a Voice-Controlled Robot - Diving into the Circuits

By Annabel Ng

Dive into the circuits behind the S1XT33N voice-controlled robot, exploring motor control, microphone biasing, and more.


Creating an Electronics Starter Kit

By Sarah Aman

Interested in getting started in electronics, but overwhelmed by the number of parts available? I have compiled a list of everything you need.


How To Streamline Your Arduino Code: Use sprintf to Declutter Serial Calls

By Staff

Use the string print formatted (sprintf) function to prevent cluttering the code with multiple print calls when outputting data on an Arduino’s serial port.


How To Streamline Your Arduino Code: Avoid Using Serial Print Commands

By Staff

Debug messages may interfere insignificantly with small, simple programs, but they can impact more complex programs that may rely on precise timings.


The Basics of C++ on an Arduino, Part 5: Software Libraries and Custom Classes

By Staff

In Part 5 of the Basics of C++ on an Arduino series, we cover importing external software libraries into the Arduino IDE so you can use them in your projects.


The Basics of C++ on an Arduino, Part 4 Control Statements and Loops

By Staff

This Basics of C++ on an Arduino series covers elements necessary to all sorts of projects and ideas. In this entry, we cover control statements and loops.


The Basics of C++ on an Arduino, Part 3 Pointers and Arrays

By Staff

This Basics of C++ on an Arduino series covers elements necessary to all sorts of projects and ideas. In this entry, we cover Pointers and Arrays in C++.


The Basics of C++ on an Arduino, Part 2: Functions and Methods

By Staff

This Basics of C++ on an Arduino series covers elements necessary to all sorts of projects and ideas. In this entry, we cover Functions and Methods in C++.


AGM Summer Break Edition – Raspberry Pi MIDI Controller & Synthesizer

By Evan Browning

If you’ve ever wanted to make music with your own personal input device, this project is for you.


How to Use Ultrasonic Modules for Object Avoidance with the Arduino Leonardo

By Staff

Using The Arduino Platform and an Ultrasonic Sensor, you can bring your interactive designs to life finding distance measurements with the power of sound.


How to Control Output Voltage using a PID

By Staff

An Introduction to using the PID library on the Arduino platform to control output voltages in a quick responsive manner.