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While you’ve probably done a bit of Googling, now is the time to get serious about researching your idea. You’ll need to review platforms, evaluate price points, and perform a competitive analysis. Now might also be a great time to look into existing intellectual property.

Ladyada's Take

In this second video Ladyada the engineer will explain how she researches potential designs: the toughest part is often being able to get the programming itself to be accessible. Look at various onlin ...



Sample system schematics and block diagrams to help you quickly get your design up and running.



Over 2,000 articles searchable by technology, product type, industry, function and device ...

Over 1,000 curated reference designs sortable by function and technology.

Search over 1,000 videos from DigiKey and our suppliers. Topics include how-to's, new ...

Another Geek Moment videos are short whimsical demonstrations on...

DigiKey’s library of more than 2000 product training modules. From this one source, you can learn about the latest products and technologies, download datasheets, check inventory, contact our technica ...

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