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Makers are a passionate group, inspired by their surrounding and buoyed up by creativity and creation. That passion can sometimes shield a maker from the reality that their idea isn’t nearly as interesting to others as it is to themselves. It’s time to generate buzz amongst the outside world. When you’re considering a marketing plan, you’ll need to think about your branding, steps you’ll take to foster public relations, conventions and conferences you might attend, and networking opportunities. It’s also the right place in the process to begin planning packaging and to start a website—get viral!

Ladyada's Take

Good information is "advertising." In this episode we talk about how Adafruit celebrates its designs, people, and more.


Spend the time making sure you are hitting the mark and be creative. Creativity drives interest.

Here are some price considerations for makers to take into account when ...

There are lots of resources to help …

Creating a website or storefront is no small task. Make sure you spend the time to find something that ...

Not all marketplaces are alike. Here's one that specializes in maker based hardware solutions.

Create a marketing plan to make sure you can take your product down the right path.

You can't achieve your sales goals if you don't have any.

Understand how to use social media as a differentiator.

It is never too early to think about legal ramifications for your company. Here are some mistakes that you should try to avoid.

Knowing how and what to send is critical to making effective emails. Here are some tips on how to make sure your customers receive your emails and they follow your desired call to action.