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DIY Dust Collection Automation: Smart Blast Gates with Home Assistant

2024-11-08 | By Zach Hipps

License: General Public License


I have a problem. Sawdust. It is everywhere. That’s why I recently used some off-the-‎shelf smart switches to automate my dust collection system. When I turn on a tool, my ‎dust collector also turns on! This is a great start but I'm still missing something. I need to ‎install some PVC pipe around the different areas around my shop, and I need blast ‎gates to control the flow of air. But ordinary blast gates won’t do. No, I need automated ‎blast gates!‎


The main issue with ordinary blast gates is that they require manual operation. I would ‎have to remember to pull them open and push them closed every time I make a cut. ‎Imagine that! Walking all over the shop, pushing and pulling, there’s no way I’ll ‎remember to do that every time. And I value my health and I want clear lungs so let’s ‎see if I can avoid the task of remembering altogether and protect my lungs. I have three ‎main zones in my shop where dust will be collected. They are the table saw, the miter ‎saw workbench (which also has other tools that need dust collection), and the CNC ‎router which is one of the biggest dust culprits in my shop.




I will start by running 4” diameter PVC pipes from my dust collector to the three tool ‎zones. I want to avoid using flexible hoses because the ridges reduce airflow quite a ‎bit, and we don’t want that. I need to find a good spot and the space under my lumber ‎rack is perfect for hiding a long-run pipe. Each zone gets a “Y” splitter off the main ‎pipe. ‎






As I set up the three zones, I'm starting to consider adding a little floor sweep zone to ‎suck up debris when I sweep the shop. It won’t take that much extra effort, so it goes on ‎the ground near the middle of my shop. Awesome! Scope creep badge has been ‎earned for this project!



Now I need to test how much of a difference blast gates will make with my system. I’ll ‎put a small pile of sawdust in front of the sweeper zone (the furthest port) and leave all ‎the other ports open. When I turn on the dust collector, almost nothing happens. I ‎could feel the air a little with my hand, but it didn’t do anything to the sawdust. To mimic ‎what it would be like with the blast gates installed, I use some small offcuts of plywood ‎to cover the three other ports. Wow, what a difference! I didn't even have to sweep the ‎dust in it, and it illustrates how important blast gates really are.




The manual blast gate I have is a linear-style blast gate which means to pull it back and ‎forth. If I want to build something that does the same thing, I will use either a linear ‎actuator or a pneumatic cylinder, as I've done in previous projects. The problem with ‎using a pneumatic cylinder is that I don’t want to run an air supply to each blast gate in ‎addition to electrical power for the solenoid valves. If I’m going to need electrical power ‎at each gate anyway, I might as well actuate the gate using some form of electronics. ‎After considering different options for a while, I decided to design a rotational blast gate ‎that can be controlled with a servo. I hop into my design software and come up with a ‎simple 3D-printed prototype. It includes a mount for the servo and a place for the ‎control electronics.




For the microcontroller, I chose an ESP8266 module that has most of the GPIO pins ‎broken out. These are supported in my home automation environment server. It ‎occurred to me that I may need to manually actuate a blast gate every once in a while, ‎especially the one at the floor sweep zone which doesn’t have a tool to trigger it on and ‎off. I decided to add a button on the side of the blast gates to solve this problem. I also ‎needed to reduce the 4” port to fit the smaller dust ports on my miter saw so I 3D printed ‎an adapter that goes from 4” down to 2.5”.‎






Next, it is time to program these blast gates. I’m using Home Assistant, so I created ‎configurations for every single one of these devices and flashed the firmware to each. ‎When I use the miter saw, I don't want the dust collection turning on and off every time ‎I click the button on the saw. So, I modified the automation script to wait a full minute ‎without the saw turning on before it shuts the blast gate and turns off the dust ‎collector. ‎



Now that all of the zones are set up and all the blast gates are closed, I'm ready to test ‎this whole thing out. When I turn on the table saw, I expect the blast gate to open and ‎the dust collector to turn on. I ran a piece through the saw, and everything works great! ‎I move on to the miter station and make a few test cuts with a brief pause between each ‎cut. It also works just as expected! The blast gate stayed open, and the dust collector ‎remained on for a full minute after I finished my last cut. Now we're on to zone three, ‎the CNC router. I flipped on the switch, and everything fired up as I hoped, with a minor ‎problem. The dust collector is so powerful that it makes the servo’s job of opening and ‎closing the blast gate harder. The fix is just an order of operations issue. The blast gate ‎servo needs to wait until all the suction is done before trying to actuate. This is so ‎exciting! Finally, zone number four, the floor sweep. Remember, there is no tool to turn ‎this on, so I press the button, which turns on the blast gate and the dust collector. Now ‎I can sweep my floor without using a dustpan and broom! This will save so much time ‎by having this in my shop.‎





Having this in my shop is a game-changer. Think about it, how many times have you ‎gone to use a saw and been like, you know what, this is just going to be a quick little ‎cut? And then you're coughing for five minutes because you didn't bother to turn on ‎the dust collector. Now, everything happens automatically, and I have the peace of ‎mind knowing that I have this system in place. If you want to build this in your shop, all ‎the design files are available on GitHub.

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Adafruit Industries LLC
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