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Projects 查看全部


Making an Automatic Rotary Zen Garden!

By Will Siffer

Combine 3D printing and electronics to make your own automatic rotary Zen garden. Learn how to use a 555 timer for motor control.


Ambassador Quick Tip: Designing for 3D printing for better results!

By Will Siffer

3D printing is not always the catch-all solution so many believe it is. Here are my best practices when it comes to 3D printing.


Senior Design Part 14: The Wrap Up and What's Next!

By Will Siffer

We started this project with a basic idea of what we wanted for a simple prototype. By the end , we had a fully working PCB remotely logging environmental data!


Senior Design Capstone Part 13: Running Tests and Showcasing our Work!

By Will Siffer

Last week we found an issue that prevented RFID from working properly. Now with that issue solved we are able to re-run tests and evaluate the RFID system again.


Senior Design Part 12: Solder Reflow Sabotage!

By Will Siffer

When the 5-volt rail of our newest PCB offered a steady 3.5 volts, we knew something was wrong, but this would turn out to be a process fault, not hardware.


Senior Design Part 11: Strengthening Integration with Testing

By Will Siffer

Learn how LEDs work and how to pick the best ones for your projects.What does this mean for a radio device? We need to evaluate and prove that it can handle every environment it may experience before it is expected to succeed.

Blogs 查看全部


Pokit Meter Extended Use Review and Unboxing!

By Will Siffer

Discover the Pokit Meter: A compact, smartphone-connected wireless multimeter that doubles as an oscilloscope and data logger.


Capacitor Deep Dive: Circuit Protection, Filtering, and Energy Storage

By Will Siffer

Explore the role of capacitors in circuit protection, filtering, and energy storage. Learn how capacitors work in both AC & DC circuits for various applications.


CAN-FD: The Second Chapter to CAN Bus Networks

By Will Siffer

Learn about CAN FD, its advantages over traditional CAN, and how it’s transforming data transmission in automotive and industrial applications.


The Basics of 3D Printing Calibration Shapes

By Will Siffer

Learn the essentials of 3D printer calibration shapes and troubleshoot issues effectively to achieve consistent, high-quality prints.


Terminal-ogy 101: Mastering the Language of Wiring Terminals

By Will Siffer

Explore high-level insights into every type, from PC pin receptacles to specialized connectors. Elevate your wiring knowledge today!


Picking a Power Supply: What to do with a PSU?

By Will Siffer

Learn more about benchtop power supplies and explore recommendations. Get valuable insights from a DigiKey ambassador. Start your making journey now!



Radio Signals: What exactly is FM and AM and how are they different?

By Will Siffer

FM vs AM radio—what’s the difference? Explore the advantages of frequency modulation over amplitude modulation and how radio signals work.


Automotive Ethernet vs the Traditional CAN Bus

By Will Siffer

Discover the key differences between Automotive Ethernet and traditional CAN Bus communication systems in vehicles.


Power over Ethernet (POE), Powering with Data on the Same Cable

By Will Siffer

Discover the various standards of PoE, their power levels, and how they can be used to power devices like security cameras, WiFi access points, and more.


PCB Predicament? Not Anymore With 3D Printing!

By Will Siffer

Discover how a troubled PCB design found redemption through innovative 3D printing solutions, showcasing the potential of combining CAD and 3D printing.