For developers who may not have the engineering resources to build their own IoT Cloud deployment, using the AE-CLOUD2 kit with the Medium One IoT Prototyping Sandbox can enable developers to quickly prototype and then move to an IoT production solution. To use the AE-CLOUD2 or any kit with Medium One, first the customer would get a Renesas kit for Medium One on the links shown. Then access the online tutorials, which provide an easy step-by-step walk through for how to get started with AE-CLOUD2 and Medium One. Lastly, the customer will use the Medium One IoT Prototyping Sandbox to finish getting the AE-CLOUD2 kit connected to the Medium One Cloud and to visualize the sensor data. When the customer is ready to move to production, one can seamlessly migrate the design from the Medium One IoT Prototyping Sandbox to the Medium One production environment.