Developers can begin to use the cellular connectivity for AE-CLOUD2 using the Cloud Toolbox Demo by following the steps listed. First, the Cloud Toolbox demo code should be loaded onto the AE-CLOUD2 board following the instructions listed in the "Cloud Toolbox Demo Quick Start Guide for the AE-CLOUD2". After the code is loaded, users will configure the cellular carrier settings for the SIM card they have acquired using the command line interface. Users can select from a list of mobile carriers where the settings have been pre-configured in the Cloud Toolbox Demo. If the user has a SIM card from a mobile carrier not on the list, the Cloud Toolbox Demo has a manual mode that allows users to manually connect to the network for a mobile carrier using the AT command set. Next, the user should setup their credentials so that their AE-CLOUD2 kit can connect to the Cloud Toolbox Dashboard where they can visualize and see their sensor data. After the cellular carrier settings have been configured for the AE-CLOUD2, the Cloud Toolbox Demo code will automatically connect to the configured cellular carrier. The user does not need to use the command line interface except for making changes to the current configuration.