RIIoT™ is compliant to EN 300 220, the 868 MHz band in Europe, and is pre-certified for FCC CFR47 Part 15.249, the 915 MHz band in the Americas. The SPR and GPR modules are software configurable and the remaining hardware can typically cover both 868 MHz and 915 MHz. This allows a RIIoT network to operate in the orange and the grey areas on the map. The 915 MHz is allowed in most of North and Latin America, as well as parts of South America. The 868 MHz is allowed in Europe and many countries in Asia and Africa. The light beige areas, including Brazil, India, and Australia, follow other regulations. Those regulations are technically possible to support with RIIoT, but are not implemented in the standard offering; contact Radiocrafts for support. The information for the black areas was not available at Radiocrafts at the time this map was created.