The inventors of the original BNC connector have introduced the latest in technological advances, the HD-BNC™ 50 Ohm interface. This high density BNC allows for four times as many connections in the same space as a standard BNC, and was designed specifically for true 75 Ohm performance. Since the introduction of the 75 Ohm HD-BNC™, a steady influx of requests has lead to release a 50 Ohm version to meet the growing demand of this highly sought after solution. In today’s world, miniaturization of product is important to consumers and manufacturers alike. The HD-BNC™ family of connectors are 51x smaller than traditional BNCs while offering the same trusted bayonet style functionality the world has come to know. Performance of the 50 Ohm HD-BNC™ has been enhanced up to 6 GHz with return loss of 30dB min, surpassing the usual 4 GHz performance of a standard BNC.