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ItsyBitsy Kewbow Mechanical Keypad

2020-08-19 | By Adafruit Industries

License: See Original Project ItsyBitsy

Courtesy of Adafruit

Guide by John Park


Use the ItsyBitsy M4/M0 as a custom USB mechanical keypad with CircuitPython!

The Pimoroni Keybow is a 12 mechanical keyswitch USB HID keyboard controller designed to work with a Raspberry Pi Zero.


We'll build a custom Pi Bonnet to adapt the Keybow for use with the Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 or M0 microcontroller board and programmable in CircuitPython.

You can create custom key mapping, macros, media control, and your own DotStar RGB lighting with this simple, fast booting, super-charged keypad!

Adaptation Options

You've got a couple of options of how to adapt the Keybow to work with an ItsyBitsy M4 -- you can wire up the pins on a ProtoBonnet as shown in this guide, or order this nifty PCB (printed circuit board) designed by John Park for this exact purpose.


Here are the Eagle CAD files for the board:




CircuitPython on ItsyBitsy

CircuitPython is a derivative of MicroPython designed to simplify experimentation and education on low-cost microcontrollers. It makes it easier than ever to get prototyping by requiring no upfront desktop software downloads. Simply copy and edit files on the CIRCUITPY drive to iterate.

Set up CircuitPython Quick Start!

Follow this quick step-by-step for super-fast Python power :)

Download the latest version of CircuitPython for this board via

Further Information

For more detailed info on installing CircuitPython, check out Installing CircuitPython.

Click the link above and download the latest UF2 file.

Download and save it to your desktop (or wherever is handy).


Plug your Itsy M4 into your computer using a known-good USB cable.

A lot of people end up using charge-only USB cables and it is very frustrating! So, make sure you have a USB cable you know is good for data sync.

Double-click the Reset button on your board, and you will see the DotStar RGB LED turn green. If it turns red, check the USB cable, try another USB port, etc.

If double-clicking doesn't work the first time, try again. Sometimes it can take a few tries to get the rhythm right!


You will see a new disk drive appear called ITSYBOOT.

Drag the adafruit_circuitpython_etc.uf2 file to ITSYBOOT.



The LED will flash. Then, the ITSYBOOT drive will disappear and a new disk drive called CIRCUITPY will appear.

That's it, you're done! :)


CircuitPython Libraries

As we continue to develop CircuitPython and create new releases, we will stop supporting older releases. Visit to download the latest version of CircuitPython for your board. You must download the CircuitPython Library Bundle that matches your version of CircuitPython. Please update CircuitPython and then visit to download the latest Library Bundle.

Each CircuitPython program you run needs to have a lot of information to work. The reason CircuitPython is so simple to use is that most of that information is stored in other files and works in the background. These files are called libraries. Some of them are built into CircuitPython. Others are stored on your CIRCUITPY drive in a folder called lib. Part of what makes CircuitPython so awesome is its ability to store code separately from the firmware itself. Storing code separately from the firmware makes it easier to update both the code you write and the libraries you depend.

Your board may ship with a lib folder already, it's in the base directory of the drive. If not, simply create the folder yourself. When you first install CircuitPython, an empty lib directory will be created for you.


CircuitPython libraries work in the same way as regular Python modules so the Python docs are a great reference for how it all should work. In Python terms, we can place our library files in the lib directory because it’s part of the Python path by default.

One downside of this approach of separate libraries is that they are not built in. To use them, one needs to copy them to the CIRCUITPY drive before they can be used. Fortunately, we provide a bundle full of our libraries.

Our bundle and releases also feature optimized versions of the libraries with the .mpy file extension. These files take less space on the drive and have a smaller memory footprint as they are loaded.

Installing the CircuitPython Library Bundle

We're constantly updating and improving our libraries, so we don't (at this time) ship our CircuitPython boards with the full library bundle. Instead, you can find example code in the guides for your board that depends on external libraries. Some of these libraries may be available from us at Adafruit, some may be written by community members!

Either way, as you start to explore CircuitPython, you'll want to know how to get libraries on board.

You can grab the latest Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle release by clicking the button below.

Note: Match up the bundle version with the version of CircuitPython you are running - 3.x library for running any version of CircuitPython 3, 4.x for running any version of CircuitPython 4, etc. If you mix libraries with major CircuitPython versions, you will most likely get errors due to changes in library interfaces possible during major version changes.

Click for the Latest Adafruit CircuitPython Library Bundle Release

If you need another version, you can also visit the bundle release page which will let you select exactly what version you're looking for, as well as information about changes.

Either way, download the version that matches your CircuitPython firmware version. If you don't know the version, look at the initial prompt in the CircuitPython REPL, which reports the version. For example, if you're running v4.0.1, download the 4.x library bundle. There's also a py bundle which contains the uncompressed python files, you probably don't want that unless you are doing advanced work on libraries.

After downloading the zip, extract its contents. This is usually done by double clicking on the zip. On Mac OSX, it places the file in the same directory as the zip.


Open the bundle folder. Inside you'll find two information files, and two folders. One folder is the lib bundle, and the other folder is the examples bundle.


Now open the lib folder. When you open the folder, you'll see a large number of mpy files and folders.


Example Files

All example files from each library are now included in the bundles, as well as an examples-only bundle. These are included for two main reasons:

  • Allow for quick testing of devices.
  • Provide an example base of code, that is easily built upon for individualized purposes.


Copying Libraries to Your Board

First, you'll want to create a lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive. Open the drive, right click, choose the option to create a new folder, and call it lib. Then, open the lib folder you extracted from the downloaded zip. Inside you'll find a number of folders and .mpy files. Find the library you'd like to use and copy it to the lib folder on CIRCUITPY.

This also applies to example files. They are only supplied as raw .py files, so they may need to be converted to .mpy using the mpy-cross utility if you encounter MemoryErrors. This is discussed in the CircuitPython Essentials Guide. Usage is the same as described above in the Express Boards section. Note: If you do not place examples in a separate folder, you would remove the examples from the import statement.

Example: ImportError Due to Missing Library

If you choose to load libraries as you need them, you may write up code that tries to use a library you haven't yet loaded. We're going to demonstrate what happens when you try to utilise a library that you don't have loaded on your board, and cover the steps required to resolve the issue.

This demonstration will only return an error if you do not have the required library loaded into the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive.

Let's use a modified version of the blinky example.

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Copy Code
import board
import time
import simpleio

led = simpleio.DigitalOut(board.D13)

while True:
led.value = True
led.value = False

Save this file. Nothing happens to your board. Let's check the serial console to see what's going on.


We have an ImportError. It says there is no module named 'simpleio'. That's the one we just included in our code!

Click the link above to download the correct bundle. Extract the lib folder from the downloaded bundle file. Scroll down to find simpleio.mpy. This is the library file we're looking for! Follow the steps above to load an individual library file.

The LED starts blinking again! Let's check the serial console.


No errors! Excellent. You've successfully resolved an ImportError!

If you run into this error in the future, follow along with the steps above and choose the library that matches the one you're missing.

Library Install on Non-Express Boards

If you have a Trinket M0 or Gemma M0, you'll want to follow the same steps in the example above to install libraries as you need them. You don't always need to wait for an ImportError as you probably know what library you added to your code. Simply open the lib folder you downloaded, find the library you need, and drag it to the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive.

You may end up running out of space on your Trinket M0 or Gemma M0 even if you only load libraries as you need them. There are a number of steps you can use to try to resolve this issue. You'll find them in the Troubleshooting page in the Learn guides for your board.

Updating CircuitPython Libraries/Examples

Libraries and examples are updated from time to time, and it's important to update the files you have on your CIRCUITPY drive.

To update a single library or example, follow the same steps above. When you drag the library file to your lib folder, it will ask if you want to replace it. Say yes. That's it!

A new library bundle is released every time there's an update to a library. Updates include things like bug fixes and new features. It's important to check in every so often to see if the libraries you're using have been updated.

Assemble the Bonnet


The Keybow was designed to use power, ground, twelve IO pins for the switches, and the two SPI clock and data lines (for the DotStar LEDs) from the Raspberry Pi Zero.

To use the Keybow with the ItsyBitsy M4 or M0, we will redirect those Keybow pins from the 2x20 connector to an ItsyBitsy's layout. The Adafruit ProtoBonnet works well for adapting the Keybow's switch and DotStar pinout to the ItsyBitsy M4/M0.

Here's how the pins are mapped:


The Keybow to ItsyBitsy pin mapping looks like this:



Here is the same circuit diagrammed on the PermaBonnet:



Alternately, here's what a PCB for the adapter looks like. It's included here as it may make the connections a bit clearer to follow than the wire diagram above.



Cable Testing

Initially, I tested the connections using M/F jumper cables and an ItsyBitsy M4 with male header pins soldered on (the final build required a fresh ItsyBitsy due to the different header pin orientation used).

This was good for proving out the pin assignments, but not entirely as ergonomic a package as desired.


Adapter Board Build

Now, we'll build the adapter board to use the ItsyBitsy seamlessly with the Keybow.


ProtoBonnet Headers

To build the proper adapter board, we'll use the ProtoBonnet. To it, solder the 2x20 male header pins and the two 14 pin, single-row headers spaced for the ItsyBitsy as shown here.

A good way to align the single-row pins is to tape the ItsyBitsy to the board as shown, then flip the board over for soldering.

Wait until the end to solder the ItsyBitsy itself onto the male headers, so that you can have room to solder the wiring in place.




Carefully follow the wiring diagrams and begin soldering short lengths of wire to make the connections between the Pi pin breakout row on the ProtoBonnet and the associated pins of the ItsyBitsy.

I found it easier to tack-solder some of the wires from the bottom side before flipping over to fully solder.

You'll notice there is one Pi pin we need to use that isn't broken out to the ProtoBonnet -- GPIO 26, which runs to D2 on the ItsyBitsy. For this one, we'll solder the wire directly to the header pin as shown.




This type of wiring can be exacting and requires a lot of concentration. Be sure to double check your work and take breaks!

Circuit Check

Once you're done soldering the circuit, use your multimeter in continuity mode to check each connection. Set one probe on a GPIO header pin and the other one on the associated ItsyBitsy header pin to make sure you have continuity.

Additionally, check to make sure all ground connections are shared, and that there are no shorts between power and ground.

Solder the ItsyBitsy to the Board

Now you can place the ItsyBitsy M4/M0 back onto the header pins and solder them all in place.



Trim the Excess Pin Lengths

While wearing eye protection, use diagonal flush cutters to trim the excess lengths of the ItsyBitsy header pins ONLY! Do not trim the 2x20 Raspberry Pi Bonnet headers!!



Fit Check

Before connecting the ItsyBitsy adapter board to the acrylic base, do a test fit to make sure the board connects properly to the Keybow.




Now, you can connect the ItsyBitsy adapter board to the Keybow base and fully assemble the board using M2.5 nylon standoffs and screws.

Follow the original Keybow instructions for this, substituting the ItsyBitsy adapter board for the Pi Zero. Since the wiring and header pins make this board a bit taller than the Pi Zero you may need an extra bit of room to fit it by adding a longer screw in a couple of spots. The nylon M2.5 screw and standoff kit is great for this.




PCB Adapter Build

If you choose to order a PCB adapter instead, here's how you'll assemble it.

Pi Headers

Place the 2x20 male Pi header pins into the board as shown.

You can use the Keybow to hold the pins in place as you solder them from the back side of the board.



Itsy Headers

Next, fit the two ItsyBitsy male header pin rows into the board as shown.

You can hold them in place with some poster putty or tape and then flip the board over and solder the pins in from the back. Push the pins flush with the board with the soldering iron as you go for the best fit or trim the extra points off later with some flush cutters. (The Pi Zero we're replacing has a totally flat back.)

If you want to go the extra mile, do not solder the ItsyBitsy in place yet! We're going to remove the headers' black plastic spacers to get a super low profile so the ItsyBitsy will fit neatly in the case.

Alternately, you can solder the ItsyBitsy to the unmodified pins, but you may need some extra spacers for the acrylic case.

Carefully pry up the black plastic spacers, you'll be left with bare pins (or a very tiny bed of nails depending on your perspective).

Now, solder the ItsyBitsy M4 to the pins, and then trim off the excess.







You can now mount the Itsy/Pi adapter to the acrylic case -- it has the same dimensions as the Pi Zero it is replacing.

Affix the Keybow to the board and off we go!






Next, we'll code the ItsyBitsy Keybow in CircuitPython so it can be customized to send HID USB keyboard commands and light the DotStar LEDs.

Code and Use the ItsyBitsy Keyboard



Once your ItsyBitsy is set up with CircuitPython 5.3.0 or greater, you'll also need to add some libraries. Follow this page for information on how to download and add libraries to your ItsyBitsy.

From the library bundle you downloaded in that guide page, transfer the following libraries onto the ItsyBity /lib directory on the CIRCUITPY drive:

  • adafruit_bus_device
  • adafruit_dotstar
  • adafruit_hid
  • adafruit_led_animation
  • neopixel
  • simpleio


Text Editor

Adafruit recommends using the Mu editor for using your CircuitPython code with the ItsyBitsy boards. You can get more info in this guide.

Alternatively, you can use any text editor that saves files.

Copy the code below and paste it into Mu. Then, save it to your Feather as

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Copy Code
# ItsyBitsy Keypad
# Uses ItsyBitsy M4/M0 plus Pimoroni Keybow
# To build a customizable USB keypad

import time
import board
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull
import usb_hid
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode
from adafruit_hid.consumer_control import ConsumerControl
from adafruit_hid.consumer_control_code import ConsumerControlCode
import adafruit_dotstar as dotstar

dots = dotstar.DotStar(board.SCK, board.MOSI, 12, brightness=0.4)

RED = 0xFF0000
AMBER = 0xAA9900
BLUE = 0x0066FF
PURPLE = 0x3B0F85
BLACK = 0x000000

kbd = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices)
cc = ConsumerControl(usb_hid.devices)

orientation = 1 # 0 = portrait/vertical, 1 = landscape/horizontal
if orientation == 0:
key_dots = [0, 4, 8, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, 7, 11]
# 0 #4 #8
# 1 #5 #9
# 2 #6 #10
# 3 #7 #11
if orientation == 1:
key_dots = [3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 11, 10, 9, 8]
# 3 #2 #1 #0
# 7 #6 #5 #4
# 11 #10 #9 #8

def dot_on(dot, color):
dots[dot] = color

def dot_off(dot):
dots[dot] = BLACK

# Pin definitions
if orientation == 0: # 0 = portrait/vertical
pins = [
if orientation == 1: # 1 = landscape/horizontal
pins = [
# the two command types -- MEDIA for ConsumerControlCodes, KEY for Keycodes
# this allows button press to send the correct HID command for the type specified
KEY = 2
keymap = {
(0): (AMBER, MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.PLAY_PAUSE),
(1): (AMBER, MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.MUTE),
(2): (AMBER, MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.VOLUME_DECREMENT),
(3): (AMBER, MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.VOLUME_INCREMENT),
(4): (BLUE, KEY, (Keycode.GUI, Keycode.C)),
(5): (BLUE, KEY, (Keycode.GUI, Keycode.V)),
(6): (MAGENTA, KEY, [Keycode.UP_ARROW]),
(7): (PURPLE, KEY, [Keycode.BACKSPACE]),
(8): (BLUE, KEY, [Keycode.SPACE]),
(9): (MAGENTA, KEY, [Keycode.LEFT_ARROW]),
(10): (MAGENTA, KEY, [Keycode.DOWN_ARROW]),
(11): (MAGENTA, KEY, [Keycode.RIGHT_ARROW]),

switches = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
for i in range(12):
switches[i] = DigitalInOut(pins[i])
switches[i].direction = Direction.INPUT
switches[i].pull = Pull.UP

switch_state = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

print("ItsyBitsy Keybow")

# Starup lights
for k in range(12):
dot_on(key_dots[k], RED)
dot_on(key_dots[k], keymap[k][0]) # use individual key colors from set

while True:
for button in range(12):
if switch_state[button] == 0:
if not switches[button].value:
if keymap[button][1] == KEY:*keymap[button][2])
dot_on(key_dots[button], RED)
except ValueError: # deals w six key limit
print("pressed key{}".format(button))
switch_state[button] = 1

if switch_state[button] == 1:
if switches[button].value:
if keymap[button][1] == KEY:
dot_on(key_dots[button], keymap[button][0])
except ValueError:
print("released key{}".format(button))
switch_state[button] = 0

time.sleep(0.01) # debounce




With the loaded onto your ItsyBitsy M4/M0, you'll see the Keybow DotStar LEDs light up with a startup animation, and then they'll settle into their color-coded default stated.

Try pressing the four amber top row keys -- they control media play/pause, mute, and volume up/down.

To test the dark blue copy/paste keys, first select some text and hit the left copy key. Then, place your cursor in a text field and press the right paste key.

The magenta keys are up/down/left/right arrows for navigation.

Be careful with the purple key, it's the delete key!

And the cyan key is the spacebar.



Customizing the Code

There is nearly limitless customization you can do to make your ItsyBitsy Keybow work the way you want! Here are a few to try:

  • color
  • key assignments
  • orientation
  • animation



Keybow Orientation

We can use the Keybow in a vertical or horizontal orientation by re-assigning the relationship in code between the physical pins and their logical representations. This means that we can rotate the board by only changing a single variable and the key colors and assignments will update automatically.

So, for example, if we use this assignment in vertical orientation:

a b c

d e f

g h 1

2 3 4

It will become this when set to horizontal orientation:

a b c d

e f g h

1 2 3 4


This is accomplished by setting the orientation variable to 0 or 1, which then chooses which pins list to use. These set the logical order from 0-11 to use the physical pins on the ItsyBitsy that are wired via the ProtoBonnet to the Keybow.

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Copy Code
orientation = 0  # 0 = portrait/vertical, 1 = landscape/horizontal

# Pin definitions
if orientation == 0: # 0 = portrait/vertical
pins = [
if orientation == 1: # 1 = landscape/horizontal
pins = [


Here's an example of the vertical orientation and some alternate keycaps.


The orientation variable also is used to remap the DotStar physical order to the appropriate logical order.

The physical order of the DotStar LEDs can be seen in the diagram to the left.

So, to use these with our keymap ordering, the code below is used, with the if orientation == 1: list:


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Copy Code
if orientation == 0:
key_dots = [0, 4, 8, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, 7, 11]
# 0 #4 #8
# 1 #5 #9
# 2 #6 #10
# 3 #7 #11
if orientation == 1:
key_dots = [3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 11, 10, 9, 8]
# 3 #2 #1 #0
# 7 #6 #5 #4
# 11 #10 #9 #8


USB keyboards and mice show up on your computer as 'HID' devices, which stands for 'Human Interface Device'

HID Keyboard Basics

This guide page has a great intro to CircuitPython HID Keyboard.

For even more details, check out the documentation at which includes all of the keycodes and media codes you can use.

By importing the adafruit_hid library into our program we can make calls to send keyboard keys and media keys.

Keyboard Press/Release

Using the HID library in CircuitPtyhon, we can send this command to "type" the letter 'a':


This would send a lowercase 'a' to the computer just as if you had typed it yourself. To send a capital 'A', we'd add the shift key to the command like this:, Keycode.A)

kbd.release(Keycode.SHIFT, Keycode.A)

This is pretty cool, since it means we can layer on lots of keys all at the same time, just like you do on your physical keyboard when using keyboard shortcuts!

So, if there's some keyboard shortcut you want to use (or create for yourself in something like Quicksilver or AutoKeys) that is command+option+ctrl+a the CircuitPython code would look like this:, Keycode.ALT, Keycode.CONTROL, Keycode.A)

kbd.release(Keycode.GUI, Keycode.ALT, Keycode.CONTROL, Keycode.A)

The adafruit_hid library allows for operating system specific names such as 'Keycode.COMMAND' on macOS which is 'Keycode.WINDOWS' on Windows. Or, you can use the generic 'Keycode.GUI' on any operating system. Same goes for 'ALT/OPTION'

Media Control

There is a second command we'll use when we want to adjust volume, play/pause, skip tracks, and so on with media such as songs and videos. These are often represented on a physical keyboard as icons silkscreened onto the rightmost function keys.

In USB HID speak, these are known as "Consumer Control codes". To play or pause a track we'll use this command:




Key Assignments

With that in mind, you can now fully customize the function of each key by editing this section of the code:

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Copy Code
keymap = {
(0): (AMBER, MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.PLAY_PAUSE),
(1): (AMBER, MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.MUTE),
(2): (AMBER, MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.VOLUME_DECREMENT),
(3): (AMBER, MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.VOLUME_INCREMENT),
(4): (BLUE, KEY, (Keycode.GUI, Keycode.C)),
(5): (BLUE, KEY, (Keycode.GUI, Keycode.V)),
(6): (MAGENTA, KEY, [Keycode.UP_ARROW]),
(7): (PURPLE, KEY, [Keycode.BACKSPACE]),
(8): (BLUE, KEY, [Keycode.SPACE]),
(9): (MAGENTA, KEY, [Keycode.LEFT_ARROW]),
(10): (MAGENTA, KEY, [Keycode.DOWN_ARROW]),
(11): (MAGENTA, KEY, [Keycode.RIGHT_ARROW]),


Note, in order to use a single stroke keycode, you'll surround it in [brackets], while a multi-stroke keycode will have its own (parentheses) as shown here:

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(4): (BLUE, KEY, [Keycode.C]),
(5): (BLUE, KEY, (Keycode.SHIFT, Keycode.C)),


Since we can use the orientation variable as shown above, the keymap values pertain to the keys starting at the origin key in the upper left corner of the board and moving left to right, top to bottom toward the last key in the lower right corner in either case.


On easy way to customize colors is to simply change the keymap color assignments, or, you can create your own colors to augment this list:

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Copy Code
RED = 0xFF0000
AMBER = 0xAA9900
BLUE = 0x0066FF
PURPLE = 0x3B0F85
BLACK = 0x000000


In this code we're doing a simple animation at startup by calling the dot_on() function with different color settings.

However, if you want to get HIGHLY FANCY, -- and who doesn't?! -- you can use the adafruit_led_animation library to create beautiful effects. Here's a great guide for getting started with CircuitPython LED Animation

Here's an example of some adafruit_led_animation library sequences running on the ItstyBitsy Keybow's DotStars. (Note, this is an animation example only and doesn't have key functions.)


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Copy Code
import board
from adafruit_led_animation.sequence import AnimationSequence
from adafruit_led_animation.animation.comet import Comet
from import Chase
from adafruit_led_animation.animation.blink import Blink
from adafruit_led_animation.helper import PixelMap
from adafruit_led_animation.color import RED, BLUE, GREEN
import adafruit_dotstar as dotstar

dots = dotstar.DotStar(board.SCK, board.MOSI, 12, brightness=0.85, auto_write=False)

pixel_grid = PixelMap(dots, [
[3], [2], [1], [0],
[7], [6], [5], [4],
[11], [10], [9], [8],
], individual_pixels=True)

blink = Blink(pixel_grid, speed=0.5, color=BLUE)
comet = Comet(pixel_grid, speed=0.03, color=RED, tail_length=12)
chase = Chase(pixel_grid, speed=0.1, color=GREEN, size=1, spacing=3)
animations = AnimationSequence(chase, comet, blink, advance_interval=2, auto_clear=True)

while True:
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制造商零件编号 PIM420
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