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Grove is a modular, standardized connector prototyping system. Grove takes a building block approach to assembling electronics. Compared to the jumper or solder based system, it is easier to connect, experiment and build and simplifies the learning system, but not to the point where it becomes dumbed down. Some of the other prototype systems out there takes the level down to building blocks. Good stuff to be learned that way, but the Grove system allows you to build real systems. It requires some learning and expertise to hook things up. Grove supports I2C, Analog, Digital, and PWM protocols using a proprietary 4-pin connector.
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Wio Node is a wireless development board based around it big brother, the Wio Link. The Wio Node has much of the same features as the Wio Link but based around the popular ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. This offers users a much cheaper, smaller and also lighter module for integration into your IoT projects.
Get started with ML/AI camera modules and explore their potential. A look at Seeed's Grove Vision AI, DFRobot's HuskyLens, and Arduino's Nicla Vision.
Seeed offers their Grove AI HAT with RISC-V for edge computing. This device is a low-cost Raspberry Pi AI hat that allows Raspberry Pi to run AI at the edge, or it can operate independently for edge computing applications.
Seeed’s Grove Starter Kit for LaunchPad is a co-branded quick starter kit for Texas Instruments LaunchPad Development Kits. This kit carries one Grove Base BoosterPack and ten carefully selected Grove modules.
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