Another Geek Moment: Summer Break Edition Video Series

How Three Engineering Students Spent Their Summer Break!

What do you get when you cross three future engineers with a makerspace? Ashley, Darren, and Haley will be happy to show you. Come back Thursday of each week in September and October to see a new video showcasing their engineering skills.

The second annual Another Geek Moment – Summer Break Edition was filmed in Madison, WI at the UW-Madison Makerspace. We threw the cameras in a suitcase and took a road trip from northern Minnesota to Wisconsin. We met up with the three university students and knew they were a good match from the start. We had them select projects of their choosing that were exciting and relevant to their interests. Once we gave them the parts, we set them free. Check out the videos to see the results.

Here is an introduction to the students. Ashley is a senior electrical engineering student at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Darren is also in his senior year as an electrical engineering student from Arizona State University, spending some time out of the heat in Madison with our team. Last but not least, we have Haley from the University of Wisconsin-Madison who is a senior in electrical engineering.

The projects range from a GPS dog tracking device that will overlay the path on Google Maps to an Adafruit Crickit robot that dances, as well as an LED ring that will display specific colors based on the weather outside. These projects can be found on the site with in-depth instructions on how to re-create them. The cost to build them are perfect for a student-sized budget and great for makers of all ages.

We would like to give a special thanks to the UW-Madison Makerspace for the use of their facility to film these students and their projects. This Makerspace was in the heart of the university and had everything from 3D printers to laser cutters and soldering stations. This is a student-ran facility who were all great and very helpful to work with. We would also like to thank our friends at Adafruit who originally created these projects and show the world that anyone can create original ideas.

Make sure you check back each week for the updated video, each premiering within the next few weeks. We had a lot of fun creating these videos and we hope you enjoy them. Be sure to check out these projects and more at

If you are a college or university student, make sure you sign-up for the DigiKey #DKBack2School GiveawayI You could win a DigiKey Instalab along with enough gear (and swag!) to turn your dorm room into your own personal makerspace! Details and how to enter:


Image of Kevin Walseth

Kevin Walseth 是 DigiKey 的数字技术营销经理,其大部分时间都聚焦于支持创客以及他们希望获得的技术。 是 DigiKey 域名上的一个新网站,旨在帮助创客激发创意。Kevin 于 2012 年加入 DigiKey,担任产品经理,专注于确保产品及时从选定供应商运送到仓库货架,并在 2014 年担任新的职务。作为一名志愿消防员和四个孩子的父亲,业余时间可谓是忙得不亦乐乎。

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