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The impact of recent regulations has companies which make voice-capable products migrate to incorporate more accurate atmospheric pressure sensors.
Use a supplier with a wide range of industrial power supply options to find a solution to meet your performance, efficiency, and cost requirements.
Amphenol D-Sub filter connectors can cut costs and save space, making them ideal for new applications and adding EMI suppression to existing designs.
This blog will dig into the RoHS and REACH regulations, their effect on electronic design engineers, and how DigiKey can help.
APIs are important in optimizing the supply chain for chips, semiconductors and all parts digital.
This innovative redesign of the classic snap-action limit switch is smaller, automotive-compatible, and can be activated from any push angle.
Discover how GlobTek EV charging cables can provide reliable power connectivity for industrial equipment, robotics, and mobile setups.
APEM's IP67 sealed toggle switches hold up in demanding environments where equipment is exposed to dust, water, solar radiation, or mechanical stress.
在无人驾驶飞行器 (UAV) 领域,重量与实用性的平衡始终是人们关注的问题。讨论解决电源重量和尺寸问题的方法。
PULS 的测试说明了 DIN 导轨电源的效率和散热问题。
《2022 年芯片与科学法案》推动美国踏上夺取半导体制造主导地位的进程,其初期投入的成效已逐步显现。
此次网络研讨会将讨论 Wi-Fi 6、其主要功能和优势。探讨 Murata 的哪些模块适合您的应用。
介绍功能强大、坚固耐用、专为实现简易操作和长期性能而设计的 TeSys 系列的最新产品。
此次网络研讨会将探讨 GaN 技术对大功率自动化系统的影响,包括更小的外形尺寸和更高的效率。
了解 Arduino 云如何将基于网络的开发、云连接和移动监控整合在一起,来扩展、加速物联网项目的部署。
Molex 连接器适用于各种各样的电子器件小型化应用。