Marlow Mini-Harvester and Linear Tech Eval Board

Green is the color of the day. Everyone is looking for the most organic, most efficient, most economical, most environmentally friendly options to drive their world. The world is now concerned about the environment and global warming and trying to move more toward the use of renewable energy.

If you’re on board with this type of thinking and don’t know where to start, check out the Linear Technology DC2042A evaluation board for evaluation of piezoelectric, thermoelectric, and solar cell energy harvesters, as well as diode voltage drop harvesting. We’ve paired this with the Marlow TEG Mini-Harvester EHA-PA1AN1-R03 for a demo on just how they work together. These two devices paired together make a great place to start with energy harvesting. The board will take the input voltage of any of these harvesters and provide a regulated output voltage of 3.3 VDC.

For further information check out the following links:

Energy Harvester EEiki Post -

Evaluation Board EEWiki Post  -

If you have any questions you can also check out our corresponding TechForum posts –

Energy Harvester -

Eval Board -


Travis Weesner 是 DigiKey 的助理应用工程技术人员,2008 年加入 DigiKey,最近刚入职当前岗位,负责为全球客户提供技术支持。在此之前,他是半导体供应商定价专员。在这个岗位,他学习了大量专用于存储器领域的半导体应用知识以及部分微控制器领域专业知识。Travis 拥有电子技术自动化系统学位。虽然他偏爱半导体,但他觉得传感器和自动化是未来的潮流。

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