New Product Discoveries - Marlow's Mini-Harvester and Analog Devices' Energy Harvesting Board

When redesigning a product, an engineer typically has one of two goals in mind: to add additional features or functionality to a product or to lower the overall cost of the design to reduce overhead. It used to be that you couldn’t accomplish both at once. With new technology, however, we are finding that you are (more often than not) able to do just that—lower cost while increasing functionality.

This time I have a couple of items that add an energy harvesting functionality to your design while still keeping an eye on that ever-important bottom line. The EverGen Mini-Harvester from Marlow Industries is not your typical heatsink. By attaching it to a hot surface, the action of blowing air to cool the device produces up to 150 mV (15mW); essentially creating a power supply from the dissipated heat. Unfortunately, 150 mV doesn’t give you a wide range of options when it comes to operating a device or component.

The DC2042A Energy Harvesting Board from Linear Technology (Analog Devices) aids you in exploiting the energy harvested from the EverGen devices. This board supports input not only from thermal devices like the EverGen but also from 4 to 20 mA current sources or solar or piezo inputs, and it generates a useful output voltage. This allows you to evaluate energy harvesting as a valuable feature in your design.

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Image of Randy Restle

Randall Restle 在电子元器件行业从业四十余载,学识渊博、经验丰富。 现处于半退休状态,担任 DigiKey 应用工程副总裁。他曾经领导过多个应用工程、技术人员和管理人员团队,指导他们开发原创、独有的先进技术产品。

其个人擅长数字信号处理、可编程逻辑实现、运动控制改进和软件设计。 他拥有多项专利,横跨多个行业,是 IEEE 的高级会员。 Randall 拥有辛辛那提大学 BSEE、MS 和 MBA 学位。

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