Digi International’s XBee® SX RF Modems

Digi International’s SX RF modems use 1-Watt industrial-grade 900 MHz long range SX radio technology for wireless cable replacement applications. They are flexible, easy to use, and utilize DigiMesh® wireless networking protocol, with redundant mesh network operation and support for low-power sleeping nodes. For applications that don’t require mesh network architecture customers can configure the modem to operate in simple point-to-point or point-to-multipoint mode. With ideal RF line-of-sight range estimated up to 65 miles and strong interference blocking, these modems are ideal for applications requiring a reliable, redundant wireless cable replacement over longer ranges.

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Image of Scott Raeker

Scott Raeker 是 DigiKey 的首席应用工程师,自 2006 年加入公司以来就一直主要负责协助无线领域的客户。他在电子行业有着超过 35 年的经验,并拥有明尼苏达大学的电气工程学位。业余时间 Scott 喜欢打理他的世纪之交农舍。

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