An overview of gold-plated and silver contacts and which applications each are best suited for use human-machine interface components.
Learn how the Hacksmith is turning Fallout Power Armor into reality! See how the power pack, torso frame, and automatic pneumatic latching system come together.
Explore how the MagnoPath system makes wearable robots more secure and comfortable using flexible design, magnetic mounting, and a built-in accelerometer.
Ready to enhance your UI design process? Learn why EEZ Studio, a free and open-source tool, is a must-try for those working on embedded systems & test equipment.
Digit's AI-powered brain enables local real-time voice conversations using Hopper Chat and Llama 3. Learn how to set it up with NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano.
本文介绍M5Stack的一体化Linux工控主机CoreMP135,它基于STM32MP135DAE7芯片,集成单核ARM Cortex - A7处理器和4Gb DDR3L SDRAM内存,功能接口丰富。配备触摸屏、扬声器和电源管理芯片,支持多种安装场景。应用开发方面,有M5Stack_Linux_Libs提供助力,可在Linux和Windows中交叉编译、上传和运行。此外,还会介绍CoreMP135开发框架的使用步骤,包括安装相关依赖、下载源码和交叉编译工具链、编译案例程序以及推送程序等。
是高集成的可编程控制器,接近成熟应用产品状态,主控核心为ESP32 - S3,集成多种外设和大内存组合,比如人机交互方面有触摸屏、麦克风、扬声器等,还集成了多种传感器。支持多种供电方式和功能拓展,软件开发环境多样。以Arduino IDE开发方式为例,展示了如何实现温湿度节点采集和数据读取显示。M5CoreS3能帮助创意快速落地,是一款新颖的应用开发载体。
Discover the inner workings of LCD technology. Explore the layers within LCD screens and how they twist, polarize, and control light to bring images to life.
Streamline your Arduino projects by incorporating LCD screens via I2C backpacks. This quick setup guide walks you through the essential steps for success.