IoT Battery Monitor
2024-12-03 | By Adafruit Industries
License: See Original Project 3D Printing ESP32 Adafruit Feather
Courtesy of Adafruit
Guide by Ruiz Brothers and 1 other contributor
Build an internet connected battery charger and monitor with Feather ESP32-S2 Reverse TFT, CircuitPython, and Adafruit IO.
The on-board MAX17048 LiPoly battery monitor chip reads the batteries voltage and is displayed on the Feather ESP32's built-in color TFT display. Use the on-board button to cycle between icons and text.
The project uses Adafruit IO actions to receive an SMS text or email when the battery is fully charged.
The 3D printed enclosure snap fits together and features a tray for holding a 1200mAh battery. The enclosure can swivel forwards and back allowing for an adjustable viewing angle.
Use a JST extension cable to easily swap out batteries without having to unplug from the Feather.
5V 1A (1000mA) USB port power supply - UL Listed
Battery Options
1 x 100mAh Lithium-Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v
1 x 150mAh Lithium-Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v
1 x 350mAh Lithium-Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v
1 x 400mAh Lithium-Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v
1 x 420mAh Lithium-Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v
1 x 500mAh Lithium-Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v
1 x 1200mAh Lithium-Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v
1 x 2000mAh Lithium-Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v
The following hardware is necessary for the case assembly.
4x M2.5 x 6mm long machine screws
2x M2 x 6mm long FF standoffs
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CAD Files
3D Printed Parts
STL files for 3D printing are oriented to print "as-is" on FDM style machines. Parts are designed to 3D print without any support material using PLA filament. Original design source may be downloaded using the links below.
CAD Assembly
The Feather ESP32-S2 Reverse TFT Feather board is secured to the enclosure's back cover using both M2 and M2.5 fasteners. The back cover snap fits onto the front cover. The front cover is secured to the battery tray using M2.5 fastener.
Build Volume
The parts require a 3D printer with a minimum build volume.
68mm (X) x 62mm (Y) x 20mm (Z)
Design Source Files
The project assembly was designed in Fusion 360. This can be downloaded in different formats like STEP, STL and more.
Electronic components like Adafruit boards, displays, connectors and more can be downloaded from the Adafruit CAD parts GitHub Repo.
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CircuitPython is a derivative of MicroPython designed to simplify experimentation and education on low-cost microcontrollers. It makes it easier than ever to get prototyping by requiring no upfront desktop software downloads. Simply copy and edit files on the CIRCUITPY drive to iterate.
CircuitPython Quickstart
Follow this step-by-step to quickly get CircuitPython running on your board.
Download the latest version of CircuitPython for this board via
Click the link above to download the latest CircuitPython UF2 file.
Save it wherever is convenient for you.
Plug your board into your computer, using a known-good data-sync cable, directly, or via an adapter if needed.
Double-click the reset button (highlighted in red above), and you will see the RGB status LED(s) turn green (highlighted in green above). If you see red, try another port, or if you're using an adapter or hub, try without the hub, or different adapter or hub.
For this board, tap reset and wait for the LED to turn purple, and as soon as it turns purple, tap reset again. The second tap needs to happen while the LED is still purple.
If double-clicking doesn't work the first time, try again. Sometimes it can take a few tries to get the rhythm right!
A lot of people end up using charge-only USB cables and it is very frustrating! Make sure you have a USB cable you know is good for data sync.
You will see a new disk drive appear called FTHRS2BOOT.
Drag the adafruit_circuitpython_etc.uf2 file to FTHRS2BOOT.
The BOOT drive will disappear, and a new disk drive called CIRCUITPY will appear.
That's it!
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Create Your settings.toml File
CircuitPython works with WiFi-capable boards to enable you to make projects that have network connectivity. This means working with various passwords and API keys. As of CircuitPython 8, there is support for a settings.toml file. This is a file that is stored on your CIRCUITPY drive, that contains all of your secret network information, such as your SSID, SSID password and any API keys for IoT services. It is designed to separate your sensitive information from your file so you are able to share your code without sharing your credentials.
CircuitPython previously used a file for this purpose. The settings.toml file is quite similar.
Your settings.toml file should be stored in the main directory of your CIRCUITPY drive. It should not be in a folder.
CircuitPython settings.toml File
This section will provide a couple of examples of what your settings.toml file should look like, specifically for CircuitPython WiFi projects in general.
The most minimal settings.toml file must contain your WiFi SSID and password, as that is the minimum required to connect to WiFi. Copy this example, paste it into your settings.toml, and update:
CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID = "your_wifi_ssid" CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD = "your_wifi_password"
Many CircuitPython network-connected projects on the Adafruit Learn System involve using Adafruit IO. For these projects, you must also include your Adafruit IO username and key. Copy the following example, paste it into your settings.toml file, and update:
CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID = "your_wifi_ssid" CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD = "your_wifi_password" ADAFRUIT_AIO_USERNAME = "your_aio_username" ADAFRUIT_AIO_KEY = "your_aio_key"
Some projects use different variable names for the entries in the settings.toml file. For example, a project might use ADAFRUIT_AIO_ID in the place of ADAFRUIT_AIO_USERNAME. If you run into connectivity issues, one of the first things to check is that the names in the settings.toml file match the names in the code.
Not every project uses the same variable name for each entry in the settings.toml file! Always verify it matches the code.
settings.toml File Tips
Here is an example settings.toml file.
# Comments are supported CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID = "guest wifi" CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD = "guessable" CIRCUITPY_WEB_API_PORT = 80 CIRCUITPY_WEB_API_PASSWORD = "passw0rd" test_variable = "this is a test" thumbs_up = "\U0001f44d"
In a settings.toml file, it's important to keep these factors in mind:
Strings are wrapped in double quotes; ex: "your-string-here"
Integers are not quoted and may be written in decimal with optional sign (+1, -1, 1000) or hexadecimal (0xabcd).
Floats, octal (0o567) and binary (0b11011) are not supported.
Use \u escapes for weird characters, \x and \ooo escapes are not available in .toml files
Example: \U0001f44d for 👍 (thumbs up emoji) and \u20ac for € (EUR sign)
Unicode emoji, and non-ASCII characters, stand for themselves as long as you're careful to save in "UTF-8 without BOM" format
When your settings.toml file is ready, you can save it in your text editor with the .toml extension.
Accessing Your settings.toml Information in
In your file, you'll need to import the os library to access the settings.toml file. Your settings are accessed with the os.getenv() function. You'll pass your settings entry to the function to import it into the file.
import os print(os.getenv("test_variable"))
In the upcoming CircuitPython WiFi examples, you'll see how the settings.toml file is used for connecting to your SSID and accessing your API keys.
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Code the Battery Monitor
Once you've finished setting up your Feather ESP32-S2 Reverse TFT with CircuitPython, you can access the code and necessary libraries by downloading the Project Bundle.
To do this, click on the Download Project Bundle button in the window below. It will download to your computer as a zipped folder.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Liz Clark for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import ssl import os import socketpool import wifi import board import digitalio import displayio import vectorio from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font from adafruit_display_text import bitmap_label import adafruit_imageload from adafruit_io.adafruit_io import IO_HTTP, AdafruitIO_RequestError import adafruit_max1704x import adafruit_requests from simpleio import map_range from adafruit_ticks import ticks_ms, ticks_add, ticks_diff # states send_io = True bat_clock = ticks_ms() bat_timer = 60 * 1000 first_run = True # settings.toml imports aio_username = os.getenv('AIO_USERNAME') aio_key = os.getenv('AIO_KEY') # connect to wifi'CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID'), os.getenv('CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD')) pool = socketpool.SocketPool( requests = adafruit_requests.Session(pool, ssl.create_default_context()) io = IO_HTTP(aio_username, aio_key, requests) try: # get feed battery_feed = io.get_feed("battery-monitor") except AdafruitIO_RequestError: # if no feed exists, create one battery_feed = io.create_new_feed("battery-monitor") # default group group = displayio.Group() # text only group textOnly_group = displayio.Group() board.DISPLAY.root_group = group # palette for vector graphics palette = displayio.Palette(5) palette[0] = 0xFF0000 palette[1] = 0xFFFF00 palette[2] = 0x00FF00 palette[3] = 0x0000FF palette[4] = 0x000000 # battery rectangle rect = vectorio.Rectangle(pixel_shader=palette, width=72, height=45, x=140, y=70, color_index = 0) group.append(rect) text_bg = vectorio.Rectangle(pixel_shader=palette, width=115, height=70, x=120, y=60, color_index = 4) # io indicator circle circle = vectorio.Circle(pixel_shader=palette, radius=8, x=10, y=10, color_index=3) textOnly_group.append(circle) # graphics bitmap bitmap, palette_bit = adafruit_imageload.load( "/bat_bg.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette, ) # purple is made transparent palette_bit.make_transparent(0) tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=palette_bit) group.append(tile_grid) group.append(circle) # font for graphics sm_file = "/roundedHeavy-26.bdf" sm_font = bitmap_font.load_font(sm_file) # font for text only lg_file = "/roundedHeavy-46.bdf" lg_font = bitmap_font.load_font(lg_file) volt_text = bitmap_label.Label(sm_font, text=" V", x=150, y=33) group.append(volt_text) big_volt_text = bitmap_label.Label(lg_font, text=" V") big_volt_text.anchor_point = (0.5, 0.0) big_volt_text.anchored_position = (board.DISPLAY.width / 2, 0) textOnly_group.append(big_volt_text) percent_text = bitmap_label.Label(sm_font, text=" %", x=150, y=90) big_percent_text = bitmap_label.Label(lg_font, text=" %", x=board.DISPLAY.width//2, y=90) big_percent_text.anchor_point = (0.5, 1.0) big_percent_text.anchored_position = (board.DISPLAY.width / 2, board.DISPLAY.height - 15) textOnly_group.append(big_percent_text) # buttons button0 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D0) button0.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT button0.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP button0_state = False button1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D1) button1.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT button1.pull = digitalio.Pull.DOWN button1_state = False button2 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D2) button2.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT button2.pull = digitalio.Pull.DOWN button2_state = False # MAX17048 instantiation monitor = adafruit_max1704x.MAX17048(board.I2C()) monitor.activity_threshold = 0.01 # colors for battery graphic def get_color(value): if value < 30: return 0 elif 30 <= value <= 75: return 1 else: return 2 while True: # reset button state on release if button0.value and button0_state: button0_state = False if not button1.value and button1_state: button1_state = False if not button2.value and button2_state: button2_state = False # toggle sending to adafruit io if not button0.value and not button0_state: button0_state = True send_io = not send_io if send_io: circle.color_index = 3 else: circle.color_index = 4 # toggle graphics or text only if button1.value and not button1_state: button1_state = True if board.DISPLAY.root_group == group: board.DISPLAY.root_group = textOnly_group else: board.DISPLAY.root_group = group # toggle battery graphic or % text if button2.value and not button2_state: button2_state = True if len(group) > 4: group.pop() group.pop() else: group.append(text_bg) group.append(percent_text) # read MAX17048 every 60 seconds if first_run or ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), bat_clock) >= bat_timer: first_run = False battery_volts = monitor.cell_voltage battery_percent = monitor.cell_percent print(f"Battery voltage: {battery_volts:.2f} Volts") print(f"Battery percentage: {battery_percent:.1f} %") print() battery_display = map_range(battery_percent, 0, 100, 0, 72) battery_x = map_range(battery_percent, 0, 100, 210, 140) # update rectangle to reflect battery charge rect.width = int(battery_display) rect.x = int(battery_x) rect.color_index = get_color(battery_percent) volt_text.text = f"{battery_volts:.2f} V" percent_text.text = f"{battery_percent:.1f} %" big_volt_text.text = f"{battery_volts:.2f} V" big_percent_text.text = f"{battery_percent:.1f} %" if battery_percent >= 100 and send_io: io.send_data(battery_feed["key"], battery_percent) bat_clock = ticks_add(bat_clock, bat_timer)
Upload the Code and Libraries to the Feather ESP32-S2 Reverse TFT
After downloading the Project Bundle, plug your Feather ESP32-S2 Reverse TFT into the computer's USB port with a known good USB data+power cable. You should see a new flash drive appear in the computer's File Explorer or Finder (depending on your operating system) called CIRCUITPY. Unzip the folder and copy the following items to the Feather's CIRCUITPY drive:
lib folder
Your Feather ESP32-S2 Reverse TFT CIRCUITPY drive should look like this after copying the lib folder, .bdf font files, .bmp image file and the file.
Add Your settings.toml File
As of CircuitPython 8.0.0, there is support for Environment Variables. Environment variables are stored in a settings.toml file. Similar to, the settings.toml file separates your sensitive information from your main file. Add your settings.toml file as described in the Create Your settings.toml File page earlier in this guide. You'll need to include your WiFi network SSID and password as CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID and CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD and your Adafruit IO username and key as AIO_USERNAME and AIO_KEY.
How the CircuitPython Code Works
At the top of the code are some states that are used in the loop. send_io enables sending the battery charging data to Adafruit IO. bat_timer is the amount of time that the battery monitor is checked and first_run and used to note that the code is running for the first time in the loop.
# states send_io = True bat_clock = ticks_ms() bat_timer = 60 * 1000 first_run = True
After the states are the settings.toml imports and WiFi and Adafruit IO connections.
# settings.toml imports aio_username = os.getenv('AIO_USERNAME') aio_key = os.getenv('AIO_KEY') # connect to wifi'CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID'), os.getenv('CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD')) pool = socketpool.SocketPool( requests = adafruit_requests.Session(pool, ssl.create_default_context()) io = IO_HTTP(aio_username, aio_key, requests) try: # get feed battery_feed = io.get_feed("battery-monitor") except AdafruitIO_RequestError: # if no feed exists, create one battery_feed = io.create_new_feed("battery-monitor")
If your WiFi access point name or password are incorrect, an error will be generated.
Next are the graphics. There are two display groups: one that includes graphical elements and one that is text only. You can switch between then in the loop depending on your preferences. the bat_bg bitmap file is loaded using the adafruit_image library and its background color is made transparent. vectorio shapes are used to show the battery charge graphic and if you are sending data to Adafruit IO.
# default group group = displayio.Group() # text only group textOnly_group = displayio.Group() board.DISPLAY.root_group = group # palette for vector graphics palette = displayio.Palette(5) palette[0] = 0xFF0000 palette[1] = 0xFFFF00 palette[2] = 0x00FF00 palette[3] = 0x0000FF palette[4] = 0x000000 # battery rectangle rect = vectorio.Rectangle(pixel_shader=palette, width=72, height=45, x=140, y=70, color_index = 0) group.append(rect) text_bg = vectorio.Rectangle(pixel_shader=palette, width=115, height=70, x=120, y=60, color_index = 4) # io indicator circle circle = vectorio.Circle(pixel_shader=palette, radius=8, x=10, y=10, color_index=3) textOnly_group.append(circle) # graphics bitmap bitmap, palette_bit = adafruit_imageload.load( "/bat_bg.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette, ) # purple is made transparent palette_bit.make_transparent(0) tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=palette_bit) group.append(tile_grid) group.append(circle)
Then all of the text attributes are created. There are two font files, one for a smaller font and one for a larger font. The larger font is used for the text only graphics group.
# font for graphics sm_file = "/roundedHeavy-26.bdf" sm_font = bitmap_font.load_font(sm_file) # font for text only lg_file = "/roundedHeavy-46.bdf" lg_font = bitmap_font.load_font(lg_file) volt_text = bitmap_label.Label(sm_font, text=" V", x=150, y=33) group.append(volt_text) big_volt_text = bitmap_label.Label(lg_font, text=" V") big_volt_text.anchor_point = (0.5, 0.0) big_volt_text.anchored_position = (board.DISPLAY.width / 2, 0) textOnly_group.append(big_volt_text) percent_text = bitmap_label.Label(sm_font, text=" %", x=150, y=90) big_percent_text = bitmap_label.Label(lg_font, text=" %", x=board.DISPLAY.width//2, y=90) big_percent_text.anchor_point = (0.5, 1.0) big_percent_text.anchored_position = (board.DISPLAY.width / 2, board.DISPLAY.height - 15) textOnly_group.append(big_percent_text)
Buttons and I2C
The three buttons on the Feather are setup as digitalio inputs. The onboard MAX17048 is instantiated over I2C.
# buttons button0 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D0) button0.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT button0.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP button0_state = False button1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D1) button1.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT button1.pull = digitalio.Pull.DOWN button1_state = False button2 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D2) button2.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT button2.pull = digitalio.Pull.DOWN button2_state = False # MAX17048 instantiation monitor = adafruit_max1704x.MAX17048(board.I2C()) monitor.activity_threshold = 0.01
There is a simple function called get_color() that maps the charge percentage of the battery to a color in a palette. This changes the color of the battery from red to yellow to green as it charges up.
# colors for battery graphic def get_color(value): if value < 30: return 0 elif 30 <= value <= 75: return 1 else: return 2
The Loop
In the loop, the buttons control the UI appearance and code functionality. Button D0 toggles sending the battery info to Adafruit IO. Button D1 changes between the text only display group and the graphical group. Button D2 changes between representing the battery charge percentage in text or via the battery graphic.
# toggle sending to adafruit io if not button0.value and not button0_state: button0_state = True send_io = not send_io if send_io: circle.color_index = 3 else: circle.color_index = 4 # toggle graphics or text only if button1.value and not button1_state: button1_state = True if board.DISPLAY.root_group == group: board.DISPLAY.root_group = textOnly_group else: board.DISPLAY.root_group = group # toggle battery graphic or % text if button2.value and not button2_state: button2_state = True if len(group) > 4: group.pop() group.pop() else: group.append(text_bg) group.append(percent_text)
Monitor the Battery
Every minute the MAX17048 is read to check on the battery voltage and charge percentage. The graphics are updated with the data to show on the TFT. If you chose to send the data to IO, the charge percentage is sent to your feed when the battery is fully charged.
# read MAX17048 every 60 seconds if first_run or ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), bat_clock) >= bat_timer: first_run = False battery_volts = monitor.cell_voltage battery_percent = monitor.cell_percent print(f"Battery voltage: {battery_volts:.2f} Volts") print(f"Battery percentage: {battery_percent:.1f} %") print() battery_display = map_range(battery_percent, 0, 100, 0, 72) battery_x = map_range(battery_percent, 0, 100, 210, 140) # update rectangle to reflect battery charge rect.width = int(battery_display) rect.x = int(battery_x) rect.color_index = get_color(battery_percent) volt_text.text = f"{battery_volts:.2f} V" percent_text.text = f"{battery_percent:.1f} %" big_volt_text.text = f"{battery_volts:.2f} V" big_percent_text.text = f"{battery_percent:.1f} %" if battery_percent >= 100 and send_io: io.send_data(battery_feed["key"], battery_percent) bat_clock = ticks_add(bat_clock, bat_timer)
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Adafruit IO Trigger
Create New Action
You can receive an email when the battery has been fully charged.
Go to and click on Actions
Click the New Actions button.
Choose Yes, use Blockly!
Reactive Trigger Setup
Click on the Triggers menu, then click on Reactive
Drag the Reactive block and snap it to the Trigger section in the Action Root block
Click on the Values menu, then click on the Feed block
Drag the Feed block and snap it to the Feed section in the Reactive block. Then, select the battery-monitor feed from the dropdown menu
Click on the Values menu, then click the A number, whole or decimal block.
Drag the A number, whole or decimal block and snap it to the Feed or Value section of the Reactive block. Then, type "100" into the Feed or Value block.
Under the Operator section, select ">=" from the dropdown menu.
Action Setup
Click on Actions menu, then click on Email
Drag the Email block and snap it to the Action section in the Action Root block.
Type your preferred text into the subject and body in the Email block.
Click on Values menu, then click on a Feed block.
Drag the Feed block into the using section in the Email block. Then, select battery-monitor from the dropdown menu
Click the Save button when you are finished.
New Email
You'll now receive an email when the battery is fully charged.
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Installing Feather
Get the 3D printed back cover, hardware screws, and Feather ready to assemble.
Place the Feather over the back cover with the mounting holes lined up and the TFT screen facing up.
Use the following hardware to secure the Feather to the back cover.
2x M2 x 6mm long machine screws
2x M2.5 x 6mm long machine screws
Secure Feather
Install and fasten the hardware screws to secure the Feather ESP32-S2 to the 3D printed back cover.
Ensure the Feather has been secured in the correct orientation.
Connect JST Extension
Plug in the 2-pin JST extension cable to the battery port on-board the Feather ESP32-S2.
Install Case & Battery Tray
Slide the 3D printed case in between the battery tray's two mounting tabs.
Line up the mounting holes, then insert and fasten two M2.5 x 6mm long machine screws to secure the two parts together.
Assemble Enclosure
Orient the back cover with the front case and begin to fit the JST extension cable inside the enclosure.
Fit the JST extensions cables socket connector through the notch in the back cover.
Press the front case and back cover together to close them shut.
Install Battery
Connect the battery to the JST extension cable.
Place the battery into the 3D printed tray.
Final Build
Congratulations on your build!
The Feather ESP32-S2 will power on immediately after connecting the battery. Plug in a USB cable to your Feather to begin charging the battery.
Allow the Feather to connect to your WiFi and establish a voltage reading. This may take a minute or two to output to the TFT display.
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Button D0
Press the D0 button (top) to enable sending data to Adafruit IO. The blue circle indicates data is sending to Adafruit IO.
Button D1
Press the D1 button (middle) to toggle between icon view and plain text view.
Button D2
Press the D2 button (bottom) to toggle between the battery icon and battery percentage text.
USB Charging
Use a 5V 1A power supply and USB-C type cable to charge the battery.
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