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Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

2016-12-09 | By Adafruit Industries

License: See Original Project Circuit Playground

Courtesy of Adafruit

Guide by Carter Nelson

In this guide we will explore the capacitive touch capabilities of the Circuit Playground and work our way towards putting together a USB MIDI drum machine driven by fruit. We'll also turn the Circuit Playground into a 'keyboard' so you can use it to play games or run an application that uses arrow keys.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums



Required Parts

This project will work mainly with the Circuit Playground attached to a computer via a USB cable. Alligator clips will be used to attach to the capacitive touch pads.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Other Items

Various other items will be used. These do not need to be exact, anything similar will be fine.

  • Paper (6"x4" cards)
  • Marker
  • Ruler

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

And of course.....FRUIT!

Circuit Playground Fruit DrumsCircuit Playground Fruit Drums

Before Starting

If you are new to the Circuit Playground, you may want to first read these overview guides.

This project will use the Arduino IDE. Make sure you have added the board support for the Circuit Playground as well as installed the Circuit Playground library. MUST DO BOTH. This is covered in the guides linked above.

Hello Capacitive Touch

Since this project uses the capacitive touch capabilities of the Circuit Playground, let's start by exploring how they work. You can read some technical details in the Lesson #0 Guide. There are 8 pads total located on the edge of the Circuit Playground as shown below. Note the numbering scheme used to identify each pad: #3, #2, #0, #1, #12, #6, #9, and #10.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

The library function readCap() is all that is needed to use capacitive touch. It is used the same for all 8 pads. Simply call it with the pad number of interest and it returns a value. This value will be near zero when not touched and have some higher value when touched. We can use the simple sketch below to examine how this value behaves, focusing on just one pad, #1 in this case.

Copy Code
#include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h>

void setup() {
// Initialize serial.

// Initialize Circuit Playground library.

void loop() {
// Print cap touch reading on serial port.

// Update rate.


This sketch only uses the #1 touch pad.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

With this sketch loaded and running on the Circuit Playground, open the Serial Plotter.

Tools -> Serial Plotter

The capacitive touch value from the #1 pad will be plotted like a strip chart as shown below. Try touching the pad quickly several times and also holding your finger on it.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

The readCap() function is different from the push button functions leftButton() and rightButton() which return true when the button is pressed and false otherwise. However, we can take a very simple approach to create a similar behavior for the capacitive touch pads. We compare the value returned by readCap() to a preset threshold value which we'll call CAP_THRESHOLD. If it exceeds this value, it is touched (pressed), otherwise, it is not. Here's a simple function to do just that. 

Copy Code
boolean capButton(uint8_t pad) {
if (CircuitPlayground.readCap(pad) > CAP_THRESHOLD) {
return true;
} else {
return false;


The actual value for CAP_THRESHOLD will be defined globally. But what is a good value? Well, that will depend on your setup. If the value is set too low, you may get incorrect detections due to noise. But if you set it too high, you may never detect any touches. You could use the Serial Monitor or Plotter with the above sketch to see what values your setup returns, and then choose a value based on that. For the examples here, we will use a value of 50.

Here is another simple sketch that uses the capButton() function along with a CAP_THRESHOLD of 50 to detect when the #1 pad is touched.

Copy Code
#include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h>

#define CAP_THRESHOLD 50
#define DEBOUNCE 250

boolean capButton(uint8_t pad) {
if (CircuitPlayground.readCap(pad) > CAP_THRESHOLD) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

void setup() {
// Initialize serial.

// Initialize Circuit Playground library.

void loop() {
// Check if capacitive touch exceeds threshold.
if (capButton(1)) {

// Print message.

// But not too often.


The additional value DEBOUNCE is used to prevent the output from happening too fast. With the above sketch loaded and running, open the Serial Monitor.

Tools -> Serial Monitor

Whenever the #1 pad is touched, you should see a message printed out.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums


Now let's move on to generalizing the code to detect all of the touch pads and take various actions depending on what pad is pressed.

Basic Print

Let's start simple. This sketch prints a unique message for each touch pad. Download it and load it to the Circuit Playground.

With this sketch loaded and running on the Circuit Playground, open the Serial Monitor.

Tools -> Serial Monitor

Now press any of the 8 touch pads. You should see a message printed out for each one.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Take a look at the loop() function in this sketch. The main change from the previous sketch is the addition of an outer for loop which scans over each of the touch pads on the Circuit Playground.

Copy Code
void loop() {
// Loop over every pad.
for (int i=0; i<numberOfPads; i ) {

// Check if pad is touched.
if (capButton(pads[i])) {

// Do something.

// But not too often.

The variable numberOfPads and the array pads[] have been defined globally near the top of the sketch. The sequence of the numbers in pads[] is such that they are scanned in a counter-clockwise fashion starting with pad #3.

Copy Code
uint8_t pads[] = {3, 2, 0, 1, 12, 6, 9, 10};
uint8_t numberOfPads = sizeof(pads)/sizeof(uint8_t);

Also, a new function called takeAction() has been created. This allows us to use this same loop() setup for all of the sketches. All we have to do is change the code in takeAction() to change the behavior of the Circuit Playground.

If you look at the code in takeAction() you will see it contains a switch statement. This is where the main plumbing between Circuit Playground touch pads and actual code takes place. The case statements correspond to pad numbers and the code inside the case statement defines what is executed for each pad.

For example, for pad #12, the following lines of code are executed:

Copy Code
      Serial.println("I'm Idaho!");

The break is needed to exit out of the switch statement.

Keen. Now let's do something a little more exciting than just printing out Simpsons quotes.

Tone Piano

The following sketch uses the Circuit Playground speaker to play a different tone for each pad when touched.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Look in the takeAction() function and you will see a call to playTone() for each of the pads. The frequencies correspond to the basic musical notes. With this sketch loaded and running on the Circuit Playground, you should hear different tones played when a pad is touched.

We can use alligator clips and some paper to create a little piano. On a 6"x4" index card or other piece of paper, draw something similar to the picture below.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Now attach the alligator clips to the edge of the paper and the Circuit Playground as shown below.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

To play a note, just touch the alligator clip on the edge of the paper. For example, in the picture below, E is being played.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Try out the following sequence of notes.

C-D-E-C-E-C-E          D-E-F-F-E-D-F

Do you recognize the tune? Here's a hint.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Cirkey Cirkey

One of the more advanced features of the Circuit Playground is its ability to emulate a USB keyboard and mouse. To do this, we use the Arduino Mouse and Keyboard libraries.

The following sketch uses these libraries to emulate a USB keyboard and mouse and send key and mouse events when the pads are touched. 

If this sounds familiar that's because this is essentially what a Makey Makey does. The default key mapping in the sketch provided above is similar to the original Makey Makey.

  • PAD #3: Left Arrow
  • PAD #2: Up Arrow
  • PAD #0: Down Arrow
  • PAD #1: Right Arrow
  • PAD #12: Space Bar
  • PAD #6: Left Mouse Button Click
  • PAD #9: Middle Mouse Button Click
  • PAD #10: Right Mouse Button Click

We can use alligator clips and some paper to create a cheat sheet for the key mapping. On a 6"x4" index card or other piece of paper, draw something similar to the picture below.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Now attach the alligator clips to the edge of the paper and the Circuit Playground as shown below.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

To send the key press or mouse button click, touch the associated alligator clip.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Since there is a danger of flooding your computer with too many key presses or mouse clicks, the slide switch on the Circuit Playground is used to turn the keyboard/mouse emulation on and off. With the slide switch to the left ( ), the emulator is active and the red LED will come on. The Circuit Playground will send key and mouse events with every capacitive touch. To turn the emulator off, set the slide switch to the right (-) position.

With this sketch loaded and running on the Circuit Playground, turn on the emulator using the slide switch. Then try out these Makey Makey apps:

  • Bongos
  • Piano

Fruit Drums

The Circuit Playground can also emulate a USB MIDI drum kit. This will let us play drums using the capacitive touch pads, or anything we hook up to them, like a bunch of fruit. But first, a bit of info on MIDI.

MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface and encompasses a whole world of various hardware and software products. For our purposes, we can think in terms of a very simple setup as shown below.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

The MIDI PRODUCER generates MIDI SIGNALS which are received by a MIDI CONSUMER that processes the command in the MIDI SIGNAL and takes some kind of action.

For a general overview of the structure of MIDI signals and the commands they contain, check out this episode of Collin's Lab.

For our setup, the Circuit Playground will be the MIDI PRODUCER and a computer will be the MIDI CONSUMER. The MIDI SIGNALS will be transmitted over USB. Software running on the computer will receive and process the MIDI commands.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Since we are going to turn the Circuit Playground into a drum kit, we can use a special set of MIDI commands defined in the General MIDI Specification. These commands use channel 10 to specify percussion (drums) and note numbers 35-81 to specify a specific instrument (kick, snare, hi-hat, etc.). For example, note number 56 is a cowbell.

Ok. Let's put the pieces together.

MIDI USB Library Install

In order to emulate a USB MIDI device, we will use the Arduino Library MIDIUSB. To install it, open up the Library Manager.

Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries...

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Filter the libraries by typing 'midi usb' in the search box in the upper right. Then select the MIDIUSB library and click Install.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

MIDI Drum Sketch

Here is the Arduino sketch to turn the Circuit Playground into a USB MIDI drum machine.

Download it and use the Arduino IDE to upload it to the Circuit Playground.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

MIDI Drum Machine Software

We will use the software application Hydrogen to receive the MIDI signals from the Circuit Playground and play drum sounds. Downloads are available for Linux, Windows, and OS X.

The Hydrogen application is a full featured drum machine that lets you create drum patterns and full songs. For our simple Circuit Playground drum machine, we will ignore most of the user interface. The drum sounds are shown on the left side of the window and the corresponding Circuit Playground touch pad is shown in the figure below.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

To enable the Circuit Playground in the Hydrogen software, first load the above sketch and make sure the Circuit Playground is connected via USB. Now, open the preferences window:

Tools -> Preferences

and select the Midi System tab. In the Input drop down, select the option with Circuit Playground in it. Also, check the Ignore note-off box. Then click OK.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

At this point, if you touch one of the pads on the Circuit Playground you should hear a drum sound.

Making the Fruit Drums

Let's connect some fruit! Pretty much anything should work. Just get a bunch of fruit and hook them up using the alligator clips.

The alligator clip can be connected directly to fruit with a stem.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

For fruit without a stem, a short jumper wire can be used.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

One end of the alligator clip goes to the fruit, the other end to the touch pad on the Circuit Playground.

Circuit Playground Fruit Drums

Once you've got your fruit all connected and arranged, it's time to rock out. The video below shows a brief demo of the Circuit Playground USB MIDI Fruit Drum Machine in action. Note that the Hydrogen app is running on the monitor in the background. The Circuit Playground is attached to the same PC via the USB cable.


制造商零件编号 3000
Adafruit Industries LLC
制造商零件编号 1008
Adafruit Industries LLC
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