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3 Beginner Arduino Mistakes

By bekathwia

I've taught beginner Arduino for over a decade, and these are the mistakes I see most often.


Adafruit PyPortal Titano

By Adafruit Industries

The PyPortal Titano is the big sister to our popular PyPortal now with twice as many pixels!


Adafruit PyPortal - IoT for CircuitPython

By Adafruit Industries

Create all the things for the “Internet of Things” in minutes


Ever-Burning Flame Painting

By Adafruit Industries

Adding illumination to your favorite work of art with NeoPixels and Circuit Playground.


DIY Circuit Playground Shields

By Adafruit Industries

The CircuitPlayground and CircuitPlayground Express are great boards for learning with.


Raspberry Pi "Stranger Things" Twitter sign

By Kevin Walseth

Using a Raspberry Pi to communicate with Arduino to display Twitter Hash Tag.


Case for Circuit Playground

By Adafruit Industries

How to make 3D printed case to keep your board safe and sound. You can mount the case to anything and embed it into other objects for quick projects.


Raspberry Pi/Arduino RetroArcade

By Jerry Sturre

With all the RetroPie/Raspberry Pi Arcades being built, I decided I would try my hand at one – but I wanted mine to be a little different.


Glowing Smokey Skull

By Adafruit Industries

In this project, we'll use an Adafruit Circuit Playground to light up a cheap Halloween prop.


Fruit Drums with Circuit Playground’s Capacitive Touch Sensors

By All About Circuits

Use Adafruit's Circuit Playground to make your own fruity (drum) loops!


Glowing Beehive Hairdo Wig

By Adafruit Industries

How to make your own glowing beehive hairdo wig.


Dotstar LED and Glass Pebble Floor

By Adafruit Industries

Line your walkway or edge your room with Dotstar LEDs submerged beneath colored glass pebbles.