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Build an Arduino Opta DC Motor Controller with HMI

2023-11-22 | By Don Wilcher

License: See Original Project

The Arduino Opta Micro–Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) provides a unique entry point ‎into the automation field. Smart homes, process controls, robotics, and other automation fields ‎are all project areas that you can explore with the Arduino Opta — which, due to its small size ‎of 88.8 mm x 70 mm x 56.8 mm, makes it convenient to fit industrial panels. Like other PLCs, ‎the Arduino Opta has mechanical provisions on the back that allow it to mount easily inside a ‎control panel or board using DIN rail. In this project, we will build a DC motor controller with a ‎pushbutton switch and an M5Stack Core. The M5Stack Core will work as a programmable ‎Human Machine Interface (HMI), thus extending the Arduino Opta’s control capabilities with ‎the DC motor.‎‎ ‎


The Arduino Opta micro PLC.‎

Arduino Opta Electrical Specifications Overview

The Arduino Opta is a powerful micro-PLC capable of managing a variety of digital, analog, and ‎electromechanical devices and automation systems. The device’s STM32H747XI dual-core ‎processor allows fast computation speeds for industrial or process control applications and ‎has 2 MB of flash memory and 1 MB of programmable memory RAM. Further, the Arduino ‎Opta can process analog and digital input data, with eight analog/digital inputs and four ‎electromechanical relays (EMRs). For this project build, you will use one digital input and one ‎EMR to operate a DC motor. The power supply voltage has a range of 12 – 24 VDC, but for this ‎project, you can use a 12 VDC at 1 A to power the Arduino Opta.‎‎


STM32H747XI processor Block Diagram. Image courtesy of ST


Arduino Opta micro-PLC pinout. Image courtesy of Arduino.cc

The Arduino Opta has three versions of PLCs, consisting of the Lite, RS485, and connectivity ‎‎(Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Ethernet) units. This connectivity allows various communication approaches ‎to control the Opta and the attached I/O devices connected to the PLC. The Opta Lite will be ‎used in the DC motor controller project.‎

The Arduino Opta DC Motor Controller with an HMI: The Concept

The Arduino Opta DC Motor Controller with an HMI concept consists of several components ‎properly connected to operate a DC motor. Two separate controllers are utilized by the system: ‎the Arduino Opta PLC which receives input control signals and operates the DC motor, and the ‎M5Stack Core, which provides the input control signal commanding the Arduino Opta PLC to ‎operate the DC motor. Each programmable device's control software is independent, creating a ‎Distributed Control platform. The interface method allowing the M5Stack Core and the Arduino ‎Opta PLC to operate together is a physical hardware connection, and the Bill of Materials ‎‎(BOM) for the Arduino Opta DC motor controller with an HMI project can be obtained from the ‎below Scheme-it project:‎ 



The Arduino Opta DC Motor Controller with an HMI System Block Diagram concept.‎

Programming the M5Stack Core

The M5Stack Core is an ESP32 microcontroller-based device with three programmable ‎pushbuttons, two Red, Green, Blue (RGB) LED bars, a mini audio speaker, and a Thin Film ‎Transistor (TFT LCD). Three programmable ports are also present, capable of interfacing with ‎various electronic modules. These ports are labeled A, B, and C — Port A is I2C capable, Port B ‎supports digital general Input/Output electrical connectivity, and Port C provides UART ‎communication. ‎‎


The M5Stack Core.‎

The M5Stack Core's Port A sends a signal to the Arduino Opta's I1 input terminal. This is done ‎using a UiFlow blockly code program and an M5Stack 2Channel Relay connected to Port A. The ‎signal tells the Arduino Opta PLC ladder diagram program to start. The UiFlow software can be ‎downloaded from the following site here.‎


UiFlow Software.‎

Connect the M5Stack Core to an available USB port on your computer using a USB-C cable. ‎Once the software has been installed, you can open it and select the COM port where your ‎M5Stack Core is connected. If the COM port is unknown, use the Device Manager to locate it — ‎note that Silicon Labs CP210x will be the communication port driver. Click the OK button to ‎open the UiFlow Blockly Code IDE.‎


Device Manager identifying the M5Stack Core COM port.‎


Selecting the COM port for the M5Stack Core.‎

With the UiFlow software open, you may begin selecting the blocks to build the Jog Switch ‎UI. On the left side of the UiFlow IDE, select and drag the Label tag to the virtual M5Stack Core ‎TFT LCD screen. Center the label tag and click it with the left mouse button. A box will display ‎next to the virtual M5Stack Core, where you can type Jog Switch. Click the Font drop-down ‎arrow and select DejaVuSans 40. The M5Stack Core will display the new text on the virtual ‎M5Stack Core.‎


The M5Stack Core UI – Jog Switch text

Repeat the Jog Switch text steps to add the START text.‎


The M5Stack Core UI – START text.‎

The final step in programming the M5Stack Core is building the code blocks. For the M5Stack 2 ‎Channel Relay to operate, its Unit must be added to the IDE environment. Click the + sign ‎underneath the Units label, find, and select the 2-Relay Unit. Click the OK button to place the 2-‎Relay Unit onto the IDE.‎‎


2-Relay Unit added to the UiFlow IDE.‎

Next, Button A_was pressed and relay2_0 control blocks will be added to the Block Code. The ‎Button A_was pressed code block is in the Events bin, while you can find the relay2_0 control ‎block in the Units bin. Build the code provided in the diagram and set the operation parameters ‎as shown. With the blocky code built, click the RUN button on the IDE to program the M5Stack ‎Core. The Jog Switch and START text will then display on the M5Stack Core TFT LCD. ‎


The M5Stack Core Blockly Code program.‎

Wiring the Arduino Opta DC Motor Controller System

Wiring the DC Motor Controller system is quite easy. Use the schematic diagram to wire the ‎Arduino DC Motor Controller System and use appropriately-sized wires to connect the ‎components. The M5Stack 2Relay Module is shown as a 2-channel SPST relay. The 2Relay ‎Module will be attached to Port A of the M5Stack Core module using a Grove cable.‎


Arduino Opta DC Motor with M5Stack HMI Controller schematic.‎

Upon completion of the wiring, the Arduino Opta DC Motor controller with HMI system should ‎look similar to the image shown below.‎


The assembled Arduino Opta DC Motor with M5Stack HMI controller

Programming the Arduino Opta micro-PLC

You can program the Arduino Opta micro-PLC using a Ladder Diagram (LD) or a sketch (a C++ ‎programming language used within the Arduino microcontroller-based platform ecosystem). ‎The traditional Arduino IDE can be used to program the Opta or the Arduino PLC IDE. To better ‎understand the Arduino PLC IDE, an overview is discussed here. For this project, the Arduino IDE ‎will be used to program the Opta PLC.‎

The Arduino Opta micro-PLC’s code is a basic sketch allowing the industrial controller to ‎operate an EMR. The EMR will turn ON or OFF the DC motor upon receiving an input control ‎signal from the Arduino Opta’s I1 terminal.‎


Arduino Opta DC Motor Controller C++ code.‎

With the C++ code uploaded to the Arduino Opta PLC, pressing the pushbutton switch will turn ‎on the DC motor. The M5Stack Core allows the DC motor to jog or run for 5 seconds with every ‎press of its UI-based START button. You can view a video clip showing the completed project in ‎operation here. Congratulations on successfully building the Arduino Opta DC Motor Controller ‎with HMI.‎

In addition, the Arduino Opta can be programmed using a Ladder Diagram(LD) or Ladder ‎Logic(LL). The LD programming resembles a ladder with rungs of contacts and coils that ‎provide instructions for the Arduino Opta to process and execute. Complex logic can be ‎developed using a combination of basic control logic functions consisting of contacts and coils, ‎and you can program and execute basic control logic functions like AND, OR, NAND, NOT, NOR, ‎and Memory on the Arduino Opta. ‎

Programming the Arduino Opta using these basic control logic functions requires an ‎understanding of relay ladder diagrams and implementing control logic functions using basic ‎electric switches and an LED circuit. For example, implementing an AND control logic function ‎using relay ladder diagrams requires wiring two toggle or slide switches in series. Combining ‎the two switches wired in series with an output LED circuit will impact the output only with ‎closed contacts of the electrical switching components. The OR control function can be ‎implemented with two switches wired in parallel. The LED circuit will turn on when either ‎electrical switch is closed. With this wiring approach of either a series or parallel configuration ‎of switching contacts, the Arduin Opta can perform these control logic functions using LD ‎programs.‎

The LD is one of four functional programming languages aligned with the International ‎Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61131-3 standard. The other four programming languages ‎stated in the IEC 61131-3 standard are Instruction List (IL), Sequence Function Charts (SFC), ‎Structured Text (ST), and Function Block Diagrams (FBD). With the IEC standard, industrial ‎programs like automated conveyors and pick-and-place machines can be implemented using ‎the Arduino Opta.‎

‎ As a design challenge, modify the M5Stack Block code to provide an OFF-control function for ‎the DC motor. Explore controlling the Opta’s other EMRs and LEDs by modifying the C++ code. ‎Further, try programming the Opta using the Arduino PLC IDE to operate the DC motor. Happy ‎PLC programming!

制造商零件编号 AFX00003
制造商零件编号 K006-V27
M5Stack Technology Co., Ltd.
制造商零件编号 TL1100F160Q
制造商零件编号 PKN7EB105C7
NMB Technologies Corporation
制造商零件编号 U131
M5Stack Technology Co., Ltd.
制造商零件编号 WAU12-1000
Triad Magnetics
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