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Adafruit IO Basics Analog Input

2017-03-14 | By Adafruit Industries

License: See Original Project Arduino Adafruit Feather

Courtesy of Adafruit

Guide by Todd Treece


Sending values to Adafruit IO from photocell

This guide is part of a series of guides that cover the basics of using Adafruit IO. It will show you how to send analog values to Adafruit IO from a photocell.

If you haven't worked your way through the Adafruit IO feed and dashboard basics guides, you should do that before continuing with this guide so you have a basic understanding of Adafruit IO.

You should go through the setup guides associated with your selected set of hardware, and make sure you have internet connectivity with the device before continuing.

If you have went through all of the prerequisites for your selected hardware, you are now ready to move on to the Adafruit IO setup steps that are common between all of the hardware choices for this project. Let's get started!

Adafruit IO Setup

The first thing you will need to do is to login to Adafruit IO and visit the Settings page.

Click the VIEW AIO KEY button to retrieve your key. 

retrieve your key

A window will pop up with your Adafruit IO. Keep a copy of this in a safe place. We'll need it later.

Keep a copy of your Key

Creating the Analog Feed

Next, you will need to create a feed called Analog. If you need help getting started with creating feeds on Adafruit IO, check out the Adafruit IO Feed Basics guide.

create a feed called Analog

Adding the Gauge Block

Next, add a new Gauge block to a new or existing dashboard. Name the block whatever you would like, and give it a max value of 1024 and a min value of 0. Make sure you have selected the Analog feed as the data source for the gauge.

If you need help getting started with Dashboards on Adafruit IO, check out the Adafruit IO Dashboard Basics guide.

add a new Gauge block

When you are finished editing the form, click Create Block to add the new block to the dashboard.

click Create Block

Next, we will look at wiring the circuit.


You will need the following parts for this tutorial:

  • 1x Adafruit IO compatible Feather
  • 3x jumper wires
  • 1x 10k resistor
  • 1x photocell

You will need to connect the following pins to the photocell and 10k resistor:

  • Feather GND to one leg of the 10k resistor
  • The second leg of the 10k resistor to one leg of the photocell
  • Feather A0 (or ADC) to the same leg of the photocell as the 10k resistor.
  • Feather 3V to the second leg of the photocell

Note: Resistors and photocells are not polarized, so they can be connected to the circuit in either direction.

Wiring guide

Next, let's look at the example sketch we will be using.

Arduino Setup

You should go through the setup guides associated with your selected set of hardware, and make sure you have internet connectivity with the device before continuing. 

You will need to make sure you have at least version 2.3.0 of the Adafruit IO Arduino library installed before continuing.

Library files 1

For this example, you will need to open the adafruitio_08_analog_in example in the Adafruit IO Arduino library.

Library files 2

Next, we will look at the network configuration options in the sketch.

Network Config

To configure the network settings, click on the config.h tab in the sketch. You will need to set your Adafruit IO username in the IO_USERNAME define, and your Adafruit IO key in the IO_KEY define.

Set username and key

WiFi Config

WiFi is enabled by default in config.h so if you are using one of the supported WiFi boards, you will only need to modify the WIFI_SSID and WIFI_PASS options in the config.h tab.

Set wifi ssid and password

FONA Config

If you wish to use the FONA 32u4 Feather to connect to Adafruit IO, you will need to first comment out the WiFi support in config.h

comment out default wifi config lines

Next, remove the comments from both of the FONA config lines in the FONA section of config.h to enable FONA support.

uncomment both fona config lines

Ethernet Config

If you wish to use the Ethernet Wing to connect to Adafruit IO, you will need to first comment out the WiFi support in config.h

Comment out default wifi config lines

Next, remove the comments from both of the Ethernet config lines in the Ethernet section of config.h to enable Ethernet Wing support.

uncomment both ethernet config lines

Next, we will look at how the example sketch works.


The adafruitio_08_analog_in example uses pin A0 by default on all boards, and that can be modified if needed by changing the PHOTOCELL_PIN define.

Copy Code
/************************ Example Starts Here *******************************/

// analog pin 0

The next chunk of code sets up two integer variables to track the state of the photocell, and an Adafruit IO Feed instance for a feed called analog.

Copy Code
// photocell state
int current = 0;
int last = -1;

// set up the 'analog' feed
AdafruitIO_Feed *analog = io.feed("analog");

The setup function connects your feather to Adafruit IO. The code will wait until you have a valid connection to Adafruit IO before continuing with the sketch. If you have any issues connecting, check config.h for any typos in your username or key.

Copy Code
void setup() {

// start the serial connection

// wait for serial monitor to open
while(! Serial);

// connect to
Serial.print("Connecting to Adafruit IO");

// wait for a connection
while(io.status() < AIO_CONNECTED) {

// we are connected


Next, we have the main loop() function. The first line of the loop function calls; this line will need to be present at the top of your loop in every sketch. It helps keep your device connected to Adafruit IO, and processes any incoming data.

Copy Code
void loop() {

//; is required for all sketches.
// it should always be present at the top of your loop
// function. it keeps the client connected to
//, and processes any incoming data.;

The next chunk of code inside the loop() checks the current value of the photocell, and saves the value of the photocell in the current variable.

We then check if the current photocell value is equal to the last photocell value. If it is equal, we will return early and not continue with the rest of the loop.

Copy Code
  // grab the current state of the photocell
current = analogRead(PHOTOCELL_PIN);

// return if the value hasn't changed
if(current == last)

The final chunk of the loop() function prints the current value to the Arduino Serial Monitor, and sends the current value to the analog feed on Adafruit IO. We also set last = current; so we can tell if the value of the photocell has changed in the next run of the loop.

Copy Code
  // save the current state to the analog feed
Serial.print("sending -> ");

// store last photocell state
last = current;

// wait one second (1000 milliseconds == 1 second)


Upload the sketch to your board, and open the Arduino Serial Monitor. Your board should now connect to Adafruit IO.

Copy Code
Connecting to Adafruit IO....

Adafruit IO connected.

You can now cover the photocell with your hand, and you should see the changing values being sent to Adafruit IO.

Copy Code
sending -> 1024
sending -> 953
sending -> 259
sending -> 476
sending -> 248
sending -> 173
sending -> 224
sending -> 291
sending -> 1024

Check your dashboard on Adafruit IO, and you should see the gauge respond to the changes in photocell values.

制造商零件编号 2821
Adafruit Industries LLC
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